This is the Borland Delphi source code of a program that plays Bao, a complex Mancala game from Zanzibar. I wrote this as a part of my PhD project at Maastricht University.
The code is from 2002. There is no documentation, but the code should be fairly self-explaining. The start source file is bao.dpr (the Delphi project file). There are some sources included that are related to the research but not involved directly in the main bao program.
Please, use the code as you wish to produce a newer version, e.g. an app for Andoid/ios.
Bao is really an interesting and challenging board game. It deserves to be more kmown and played. The rules of the computer-version of the game are specified under de folder "rules"
In folder "executable" you can find the runtime executable as compiled in 2003. It still seems to run. Please adjust the search depth in the advanced submenu from 64 to a lower value if the computer respons is too slow.
Jeroen Donkers