This package provides a trait with helper methods for enum management and translation in Laravel.
Important: This package has been rebuilt as of v2 to work with native PHP enums instead of class constants. As such, PHP 8.1 is now required. See for more details.
- PHP 8.1 or higher
- Will only work with backed enums
composer require bjerke/laravel-enums
namespace App\Enums;
use Bjerke\Enum\HasTranslations;
use Bjerke\Enum\UsesTranslations;
enum PostStatus: int implements HasTranslations {
use UsesTranslations;
case DRAFT = 10;
case PUBLISHED = 20;
case ARCHIVED = 30;
Which will then allow you to define the translated versions of these values in Laravel translation file called enums.php
// ../resources/lang/en/enum.php
use App\Enums\MyEnum;
return [
'post_status' => [
PostStatus::DRAFT->value => 'Draft',
PostStatus::PUBLISHED->value => 'Published'
PostStatus::ARCHIVED->value => 'Archived'
Which in turn will enable you to fetch the translated values as:
PostStatus::DRAFT->translate(); // return translation for this case
PostStatus::getTranslations(); // return all translations
There's also a helper method for retrieving cases:
- Returns an array of "enum key" => "enum value"