You should be familiar with the contents of these videos prior to starting the pre-work.
Please watch this video from one of our instructors to complete the following steps:
Vets in Tech Pre-Course Tutorial
- Fork this repository (You should be redirected to YOUR forked version of this repository)
- Click the clone button (on YOUR github handles repo)
- Copy the HTTPS git url to your forked copy prework repository
- Clone down your copy of the prework repository to your local machine in a terminal session
In this program, we will show you explicitly how to do everything that we expect from you but to ensure that the course runs smoothly for every participant there is a base skill level that you will need to meet. This project will determine your readiness to keep up with the pace of the program. You will have one week to ramp up on the underlying concepts and complete the assignment below.
I know I have two movies on one line but it's hard to choose. You can do the same.
Below is a guideline to building the final product to be completed in your index.html file.
All of your work must be performed in the index.html
If you need more information on how to implement the below steps refer to: HTML Crash Course
- Use a h1 tag to make a title that reads as, "My Favorite Things"
- Below the h1 tag, add a image tag below the My Favorite Things title with an image of yourself
- Add a width attribute to the image tag that equal to "100px"
- Below the image tag, use a h2 tag to make a title that reads as, "My Top Movies"
- Below the h2 tag, use an ordered list to rank your Favorite Movies
- Add at least 5 list items to your ordered list with movie titles
- Below the ordered list, use another h2 tag to make a title that reads as, "My Favorite Places to Visit"
- Below the "My Favorite Places to Visit" h2 tag, use an unordered list to rank your Favorite Places to Visit
- Add at least 5 list items to your unordered list with places in the world
- Below your unordered list, create a tag that links to your LinkedIn
- The text for your a tag should read as LinkedIn. (If you don't have a LinkedIn profile create one)
If at any point, you are stuck and unsure of how to proceed, feel free to google the error message that you are running into. We encourage our students to be autonomous and be resourceful in finding the right solution. During the course, we expect you to fully utilizing your peers, instructors and the internet!
- Your final product will be assessed on how closely it matches with the Final Product Example image and completion of the steps above
- Stage, Commit, and Push your changes back up to your Github Repository
commit with the following message: [Your Name] has completed the Vets In Tech Pre-work
if you need more information on how to do this refer to this crash course on Git Git Crash Course