A lightweight Python interface to the CM15A X10 controller (a.k.a. CM15).
Reads and writes X10 events and commands.
Requires PyUSB library.
Tested on Debian Wheezy to Buster, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, Python 2.7.x and Python 3.7.x.
apt install python-usb
If using Python 3.x:
apt install python3-usb
In order to open the CM15 device without the need for root privileges, create the file /etc/udev/rules.d/98-cm15a.rules and add:
# X10 CM15A X10 controller
ATTRS{idVendor}=="0bc7", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0001", MODE="664", GROUP="plugdev"
Then unplug and plug the CM15 again.
First, clone this repository.
To test if everything is correctly set up, execute:
python example.py
import cm15
# Prepare interface
cm15 = cm15.CM15()
# Open device
# Start listening for events
# Stop listening
# Close device
import time
from pprint import pprint
import cm15
# Triggered when the CM15 listens and receives raw data
def dataReceivedHandler(data):
print("Data received: ")
# Prepare interface and register event handler
cm15 = cm15.CM15()
cm15.subscribeToEvent('dataReceived', dataReceivedHandler)
# Open device, start listening for events and wait 5 seconds
# If the CM15 receives data, it will be printed on the screen
# Stop listening and close device
# Send X10 commands: B1 ON, B1 OFF
print("Select device B1")
cm15.bulkWrite([0x04, 0xE6])
# A minimal delay is required between commands
print("Send B ON")
cm15.bulkWrite([0x06, 0xE2])
print("Select device B1")
cm15.bulkWrite([0x04, 0xE6])
print("Send B OFF")
cm15.bulkWrite([0x06, 0xE3])
Usage: python cm15send.py code command
Send B ON
python cm15send.py B ON
Send B1 OFF
python cm15send.py B1 OFF
A TCP server based on Python Twisted (12.0+) is available in cm15d/cm15d.py.
This TCP server listens for incoming X10 commands and sends them to the controller.
It also listens for X10 events received by the controller (e.g. from RF sensors).
These events are dispatched to enabled plugins (see below).
The user executing the cm15d process needs to be part of the plugdev group, as explained above.
adduser --system --no-create-home cm15duser
usermod -a -G plugdev cm15duser
The cm15 module should be available system-wide; copy the cm15 (not cm15d) folder to e.g. /usr/local/lib/(python version)/dist-packages
By default, cm15d is started at port 15915, and looks for plugins in the cm15d/plugins subfolder, while all plugins are disabled.
These options can be overriden using the following configuration files (if existing):
./conf/cm15d.conf, /etc/cm15d.conf, /etc/cm15d/cm15d.conf, /etc/cm15d/conf.d/local.conf.
An example configuration file is available in cm15d/conf/cm15d.conf.example
Python Twisted (12.0+) and Yapsy (for plugins) must be installed for this to work.
apt install python-twisted python-yapsy
Usage: python cm15d.py
python cm15d.py
For the client, use e.g. Netcat.
Send B1 ON
nc localhost 15915
B1 ON(Enter)
Quit with CTRL+C.
echo B1 ON | nc -q1 localhost 15915
You can daemonize cm15d with Supervisor (since twistd implementation is not available yet).
First, ensure Supervisor is installed, then create the configuration file for cm15d:
Remember: cm15duser needs to be part of the plugdev group.
Plugins (based on the Yapsy plugin system) can be loaded by CM15d and subscribe to CM15 events.
Two example plugins are provided: the first one will simply print the data it receives to stdout, while the second one will send the data to an AMQP server, such as RabbitMQ (Python Pika required).