From codercom/code-server:latest, Add:
- apt -y install build-essential gdb gcc wget mercurial
- Favorite extensions: cpptools-linux, ms-python.python, plorefice.devicetree, ms-python.python, etc.
- Favorite settings.json and keybinding.json
git clone
cd code-server`
docker build --build-arg UID=$(id -u) --build-arg GID=$(id -g) -t jgsun/code-server:latest .
Change PROJECT_CFG_PATH in vscode to the path of this repo and run:
./vscode start [u=root] [p=10086]
Default user is $USER, if want to start by root, add parameter u=root.
Recommend taking $USER to let all file system operations occur as your user outside the container
./vscode login
./vscode stop