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A general purpose weather data recorder & explorer.


While the primary purpose of this library is to record weather data, it can also be used as a framework for collecting weather information in other apps.


Install the published package using pip:

pip3 install wxdat

This project uses poetry to manage dependencies and a local virtual environment. To get started, clone the repository and install the dependencies with the following:

poetry install


Run the module and tell it which config file to use.

python3 -m wxdat --config wxdat.yaml

If you are using poetry to manage the virtual environment, use the following:

poetry run python -m wxdat --config wxdat.yaml


The configuration file is a YAML document with a list of stations to export. See the included default file for more details.

All stations have the following configuration values:

  • name - must be unique
  • type - the support station type

Supported Stations

Eventually, I'd like to add local stations, not just online sources. Please see the example configuration file for details on each provider.

  • AccuWeather
  • Ambient Weather Network
  • OpenWeatherMap
  • National Weather Service (NOAA)
  • Weather Underground

Unit Conversion

wxdat also includes a limited set of conversion helpers for working with units. In general, the pattern for using them is:

from wxdat import units

# convert 100.0 from celsius to fahrenheit
temp = units.degC(100).degf


To submit a new issue, please visit the Issues page.

If you are unsure where to start, create a post in the Discussions area.

Additionally, Pull Requests are welcome.