This project was designed to allow fitness enthusiasts, athletes and newcomers a place to interact and comment with other fitness enthusiasts.
This application is deployed to Heroku. Use the above Heroku link to access the app. If you are a new user, select the "login" button and "sign up" to have full access.
This application requires a new user to sign up with the following:
* Email
* Username
* Password (Length min 4 characters)
* Once a user account is created you have the ability to add comments to other users posts. You have the ability to add, edit update and delete your posts.
* Security - This blog will automatically log you out after two minutes of inactivity to safeguard unauthorized access to your posts and comments.
This application currently is licensed with MIT.
Contributor privileges are open to ALL that want to positively contribute to this project
Please feel free to email us with any comments, questions or concerns at
A7063P GitHub Account
Jidlebir GitHub Account
JenMol86 GitHub Account
AbigailGAdams GitHub Account