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Dart Angles

Official Dart package

This package provides an Angle type seeking to eliminate the use of variable suffixes like ...deg or ...rad as well as manual angle unit conversions such as x * rad2deg and the likes.

Therefore, this package's raison d'être is not to serve features but to increase code maintainability, thus reducing maintaince cost and bugs.

Angles can be constructed from these units: degrees, radians, gradians and turns.

Unit Quantity of a full turn
Degree 360°
Gradian 400ᵍ
Turn 1

Sample code

// Various ways to define a half turn:
a0 = Angle.degrees(180.0);
a1 = Angle.radians(math.pi);
a2 = Angle.turns(0.5);

a0.degrees; // = 180.0
a1.radians; // = 3.1415...
a2.turns;   // = 0.5



  • Angle.degrees(x)
  • Angle.radians(x)
  • Angle.gradians(x)
  • Angle.turns(x)


  • .degrees()
  • .radians()
  • .gradians()
  • .turns()

Trigonometric functions:

  • .sin()
  • .cos()
  • .tan()
  • Angle.asin(x)
  • Angle.acos(x)
  • Angle.atan(x)
  • Angle.atan2(y, x)
  • Angle.atanFullTurn(y, x)
  • Angle.cartesian(x, y)

Utility functions:

  • .toString()
  • .approximately(other, range)
  • .ratio(other)
  • .normalized

All arithmetic and relational operators are defined on angles as well.