The user specifies the number of elements to insert in the bloom filter, as well as the desired error probability A bloom filter is created based on the theoretical formulas ( The size of the bloom filter is then modified to the closest power of 2, replacing, while inserting, expensive modulo operations with bitwise & on bitmasks. The element type for this implementation is Rust's u64.
Instead of calling consecutively the hash functions with pipelined input, Kirsch-Mitzenmacher-Optimization is used ( For insertions, a mixing function and XXHASH ( were used. XXHash is included in this repository. It's compiled using script, and is called directly from rust code ( but indicated as unsafe to rust compiler).
Rust automated tests are offered in file. Benchmarks, following criterion, are offered under the benches directory.
cargo run --release
Tests: cargo test
Benchmark: cargo bench