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Paper collection about Mamba

Mamba is a novel neural network architecture designed to challenge traditional Transformer models. It addresses the limitations of Transformers, particularly their quadratic growth in computation due to self-attention mechanisms. The Mamba architecture evolved from SSM->HiPPO->S4->Mamba stages. Notably, it efficiently balances effectiveness and efficiency, making it suitable for modeling long sequences. Researchers have evaluated Mamba across various tasks, including language, vision, and audio,among others. This repository is dedicated to assembling a meticulously curated collection of research papers, delving into the wide-ranging applications of Mamba across diverse fields.

Table of Contents


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- (*conference|journal*) paper_name [[pdf](link)][[code](link)]


(2024-04-11) HGRN2: Gated Linear RNNs with State Expansion paper

(2024-04-09) Does Transformer Interpretability Transfer to RNNs? paper

(2024-04-04) Locating and Editing Factual Associations in Mamba paper

(2024-03-28) Jamba: A Hybrid Transformer-Mamba Language Model paper

(2024-03-27) RankMamba, Benchmarking Mamba's Document Ranking Performance in the Era of Transformers paper

(2024-03-26) Mechanistic Design and Scaling of Hybrid Architectures paper

(2024-03-25) State Space Models as Foundation Models: A Control Theoretic Overview paper

(2024-03-22) Music to Dance as Language Translation using Sequence Models paper

(2024-03-11) The pitfalls of next-token prediction paper

(2024-03-05) DenseMamba: State Space Models with Dense Hidden Connection for Efficient Large Language Models paper

(2024-03-04) Theoretical Foundations of Deep Selective State-Space Models paper

(2024-03-03) The Hidden Attention of Mamba Models paper

(2024-02-29) Griffin: Mixing Gated Linear Recurrences with Local Attention for Efficient Language Models paper

(2024-02-28) Simple linear attention language models balance the recall-throughput tradeoff paper

(2024-02-28) Evaluating Quantized Large Language Models paper

(2024-02-26) MoE-Mamba: Efficient Selective State Space Models with Mixture of Experts paper

(2024-02-15) Gated Linear Attention Transformers with Hardware-Efficient Training paper

(2024-02-06) Can Mamba Learn How to Learn? A Comparative Study on In-Context Learning Tasks paper

(2024-02-05) Is Mamba Capable of In-Context Learning? paper

(2024-02-01) BlackMamba: Mixture of Experts for State-Space Models paper

(2024-01-24) MambaByte: Token-free Selective State Space Model paper

(2024-01-16) MambaTab: A Simple Yet Effective Approach for Handling Tabular Data paper

(2023-12-01) Mamba: Linear-Time Sequence Modeling with Selective State Spaces paper


(2024-04-12) SpectralMamba: Efficient Mamba for Hyperspectral Image Classification paper

(2024-04-11) FusionMamba: Efficient Image Fusion with State Space Model paper

(2024-04-11) DGMamba: Domain Generalization via Generalized State Space Model paper

(2024-04-09) MambaAD: Exploring State Space Models for Multi-class Unsupervised Anomaly Detection paper

(2024-04-05) Sigma: Siamese Mamba Network for Multi-Modal Semantic Segmentation paper

(2024-04-04) ChangeMamba: Remote Sensing Change Detection with Spatio-Temporal State Space Model paper

(2024-04-03) RS-Mamba for Large Remote Sensing Image Dense Prediction paper

(2024-04-03) RS3Mamba: Visual State Space Model for Remote Sensing Images Semantic Segmentation paper

(2024-04-02) Samba: Semantic Segmentation of Remotely Sensed Images with State Space Model paper Code

(2024-04-01) T-Mamba: Frequency-Enhanced Gated Long-Range Dependency for Tooth 3D CBCT Segmentation paper

(2024-04-01) UltraLight VM-UNet: Parallel Vision Mamba Significantly Reduces Parameters for Skin Lesion Segmentation Paper Code

(2024-03-29) HARMamba: Efficient Wearable Sensor Human Activity Recognition Based on Bidirectional Selective SSM paper

(2024-03-28) RSMamba: Remote Sensing Image Classification with State Space Model paper

(2024-03-26) ReMamber: Referring Image Segmentation with Mamba Twister paper

(2024-03-26) PlainMamba: Improving Non-Hierarchical Mamba in Visual Recognition paper Code

(2024-03-26) VMRNN: Integrating Vision Mamba and LSTM for Efficient and Accurate Spatiotemporal Forecasting paper

(2024-03-26) Integrating Mamba Sequence Model and Hierarchical Upsampling Network for Accurate Semantic Segmentation of Multiple Sclerosis Legion Paper [Code]

(2024-03-25) MambaIR: A Simple Baseline for Image Restoration with State-Space Model paper

(2024-03-22) SiMBA: Simplified Mamba-Based Architecture for Vision and Multivariate Time series paper

(2024-03-22) Cobra: Extending Mamba to Multi-Modal Large Language Model for Efficient Inference paper Code

(2024-03-22) Gamba: Marry Gaussian Splatting with Mamba for single view 3D reconstruction Paper [Code]

(2024-03-20) ZigMa: Zigzag Mamba Diffusion Model paper

(2024-03-20) VL-Mamba: Exploring State Space Models for Multimodal Learning paper

(2024-03-18) VmambaIR: Visual State Space Model for Image Restoration paper

(2024-03-17) MiM-ISTD: Mamba-in-Mamba for Efficient Infrared Small Target Detection paper

(24-03-15) On the low-shot transferability of [V]-Mamba paper Code

(2024-03-15) P-Mamba: Marrying Perona Malik Diffusion with Mamba for Efficient Pediatric Echocardiographic Left Ventricular Segmentation paper

(2024-03-15) EfficientVMamba: Atrous Selective Scan for Light Weight Visual Mamba paper

(2024-03-14) MambaTalk: Efficient Holistic Gesture Synthesis with Selective State Space Models paper

(2024-03-14) LocalMamba: Visual State Space Model with Windowed Selective Scan paper

(2024-03-13) MD-Dose: A Diffusion Model based on the Mamba for Radiotherapy Dose Prediction paper

(2024-03-13) Activating Wider Areas in Image Super-Resolution paper

(2024-03-12) Motion Mamba: Efficient and Long Sequence Motion Generation with Hierarchical and Bidirectional Selective SSM Paper Code

(2024-03-11) MambaMIL: Enhancing Long Sequence Modeling with Sequence Reordering in Computational Pathology paper

(2024-03-08) MamMIL: Multiple Instance Learning for Whole Slide Images with State Space Models paper

(2024-03-08) Motion-Guided Dual-Camera Tracker for Low-Cost Skill Evaluation of Gastric Endoscopy paper

(2024-03-08) VideoMamba: State Space Model for Efficient Video Understanding Paper Code

(2024-03-04) MiM-ISTD: Mamba-in-Mamba for Efficient Infrared Small Target Detection Paper Code

(2024-02-24) Res-VMamba: Fine-Grained Food Category Visual Classification Using Selective State Space Models with Deep Residual Learning paper Code

(2024-02-23) State Space Models for Event Cameras paper

(2024-02-19) Pan-Mamba: Effective pan-sharpening with State Space Model Paper Code

(2024-02-16) U-shaped Vision Mamba for Single Image Dehazing paper

(2024-02-14) FD-Vision Mamba for Endoscopic Exposure Correction paper

(2024-02-08) Scalable Diffusion Models with State Space Backbone paper

(2024-02-05) Swin-UMamba: Mamba-based UNet with ImageNet-based pretraining Paper Code

(2024-01-18) VMamba: Visual State Space Model paper

(2024-01-17) Vision Mamba: Efficient Visual Representation Learning with Bidirectional State Space Model Paper Code

Medical Images

(2024-04-12) MambaDFuse: A Mamba-based Dual-phase Model for Multi-modality Image Fusion paper

(2024-04-11) ViM-UNet: Vision Mamba for Biomedical Segmentation paper

(2024-04-07) VMambaMorph: a Visual Mamba-based Framework with Cross-Scan Module for Deformable 3D Image Registration paper

(2024-04-01) Rotate to Scan: UNet-like Mamba with Triplet SSM Module for Medical Image Segmentation paper

(2024-03-29) UltraLight VM-UNet: Parallel Vision Mamba Significantly Reduces Parameters for Skin Lesion Segmentation paper

(2024-03-26) Rotate to Scan: UNet-like Mamba with Triplet SSM Module for Medical Image Segmentation paper

(2024-03-26) Integrating Mamba Sequence Model and Hierarchical Upsampling Network for Accurate Semantic Segmentation of Multiple Sclerosis Legion paper

(2024-03-26) ProMamba: Prompt-Mamba for polyp segmentation paper

(2024-03-25) CMViM: Contrastive Masked Vim Autoencoder for 3D Multi-modal Representation Learning for AD classification paper

(2024-03-21) MedMamba: Vision Mamba for Medical Image Classification paper

(2024-03-20) H-vmunet: High-order Vision Mamba UNet for Medical Image Segmentation paper

(2024-03-19) MambaMIR: An Arbitrary-Masked Mamba for Joint Medical Image Reconstruction and Uncertainty Estimation paper

(2024-03-14) VM-UNET-V2 Rethinking Vision Mamba UNet for Medical Image Segmentation paper

(2024-03-13) MambaMorph: a Mamba-based Framework for Medical MR-CT Deformable Registration paper

(2024-03-12) Large Window-based Mamba UNet for Medical Image Segmentation: Beyond Convolution and Self-attention paper

(2024-03-11) LightM-UNet: Mamba Assists in Lightweight UNet for Medical Image Segmentation paper

(2024-03-10) nnMamba: 3D Biomedical Image Segmentation, Classification and Landmark Detection with State Space Model paper

(2024-03-09) ClinicalMamba: A Generative Clinical Language Model on Longitudinal Clinical Notes paper

(2024-03-06) Swin-UMamba: Mamba-based UNet with ImageNet-based pretraining paper

(2024-02-25) SegMamba: Long-range Sequential Modeling Mamba For 3D Medical Image Segmentation paper

(2024-02-16) Weak-Mamba-UNet: Visual Mamba Makes CNN and ViT Work Better for Scribble-based Medical Image Segmentation paper

(2024-02-11) Semi-Mamba-UNet: Pixel-Level Contrastive Cross-Supervised Visual Mamba-based UNet for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation paper

(2024-02-07) Mamba-UNet: UNet-Like Pure Visual Mamba for Medical Image Segmentation paper

(2024-02-04) VM-UNet: Vision Mamba UNet for Medical Image Segmentation paper


(2024-04-11) Simba: Mamba augmented U-ShiftGCN for Skeletal Action Recognition in Videos paper

(2024-04-09) RhythmMamba: Fast Remote Physiological Measurement with Arbitrary Length Videos paper

(2024-04-01) SpikeMba: Multi-Modal Spiking Saliency Mamba for Temporal Video Grounding paper

(2024-03-14) Video Mamba Suite: State Space Model as a Versatile Alternative for Video Understanding paper

(2024-03-12) VideoMamba: State Space Model for Efficient Video Understanding paper

(2024-02-15) Hierarchical State Space Models for Continuous Sequence-to-Sequence Modeling paper

(2024-03-20) Mamba-ND: Selective State Space Modeling for Multi-Dimensional Data paper

(2024-03-12) Vivim: a Video Vision Mamba for Medical Video Object Segmentation paper

(2024-02-01) MAMBA: Multi-level Aggregation via Memory Bank for Video Object Detection paper

Point Cloud

(2024-04-10) 3DMambaComplete: Exploring Structured State Space Model for Point Cloud Completion paper

(2024-04-08) 3DMambaIPF: A State Space Model for Iterative Point Cloud Filtering via Differentiable Rendering paper

(2024-03-18) Point Mamba: A Novel Point Cloud Backbone Based on State Space Model with Octree-Based Ordering Strategy paper

(2024-03-01) Point Could Mamba: Point Cloud Learning via State Space Model paper

(2024-02-19) PointMamba: A Simple State Space Model for Point Cloud Analysis paper


(2024-03-19) STG-Mamba: Spatial-Temporal Graph Learning via Selective State Space Model paper

(2024-02-19) Graph Mamba: Towards Learning on Graphs with State Space Models paper

(2024-02-01) Graph-Mamba: Towards Long-Range Graph Sequence Modeling with Selective State Spaces paper


(2024-03-25) Uncovering Selective State Space Model's Capabilities in Lifelong Sequential Recommendation paper

(2024-03-06) Mamba4Rec: Towards Efficient Sequential Recommendation with Selective State Space Models paper

Reinforcement Learning

(2024-03-29) Decision Mamba: Reinforcement Learning via Sequence Modeling with Selective State Spaces paper

Life Sci.

(2024-03-05) Caduceus: Bi-Directional Equivariant Long-Range DNA Sequence Modeling paper

Time Series

(2024-03-17) Is Mamba Effective for Time Series Forecasting? paper

(2024-03-14) TimeMachine: A Time Series is Worth 4 Mambas for Long-term Forecasting paper


(2024-04-02) SPMamba: State-space model is all you need in speech separation paper

(2024-03-27) Dual-path Mamba: Short and Long-term Bidirectional Selective Structured State Space Models for Speech Separation paper

(2024-03-12) Multichannel Long-Term Streaming Neural Speech Enhancement for Static and Moving Speakers paper


(2024-03-25) Proprioception Is All You Need: Terrain Classification for Boreal Forests paper


(2024-03-11) A multi-cohort study on prediction of acute brain dysfunction states using selective state space models paper


(2024-03-08) MambaLithium: Selective state space model for remaining-useful-life, state-of-health, and state-of-charge estimation of lithium-ion batteries paper


(2024-02-29) MambaStock: Selective state space model for stock prediction paper


Paper collection about Mamba







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