A repository for step-by-step code snippets while following FastAPI tutorial.
Each tag refers to code snippets used in the particular step. The code might be cumulative.
Tag name follows the URI(eg. 'https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/first-steps/' for tag named 'first-steps').
The 'main' branch refers to the latest follow up.
I originally planned to tag all the steps, but I soon found it quite meaningless. From this step(Header Parameters), I would rather compress multiple steps into one giving a proper tag with my best effort.
To run the code snippets, install Poetry, a dependency manager for python.
To understand why you need such a tool(actually you don't need it for a project like this, but anyway), see this article by Mario.
To activate the virtual environment,
poetry install
poetry shell
and you are ready to go.