These instructions worked on Mac OSX Mojave (10.14.6) with Docker Desktop They should work more generally, but you know how that goes.
This assumes that you are using 1 node (your laptop), and do not need to setup any virtual machines.
Initialize the swarm cluster
docker swarm init
shell$ ./
Sending build context to Docker daemon 12.04MB
Step 1/38 : FROM centos:7
---> 1e1148e4cc2c
Step 2/38 : MAINTAINER Josh Hursey <>
Successfully built 84d26427c5bf
Successfully tagged ompi-toy-box:latest
The container is self contained with all of the necessary software to build/run OpenPMIx/PRRTE/Open MPI from what was built inside. However, for a developer you often want to use your version of these builds and use the editor from the host system.
We will use volume mounts to make a developer workflow function by overwriting the in-container version with the outside-container version of the files. We are using the local disk as a shared file system between the virtual nodes.
The key to making this work is that you can edit the source code outside of the container, but all builds must occur inside the container. This is because the relative paths to dependent libraries and install directories are relative to the paths inside the container's file system not the host file system.
Note that this will work when using Docker Swarm on a single machine. More work is needed if you are running across multiple physical machines.
For ease of use I'll checkout into a build
subdirectory within this directory ($TOPDIR
is the same locaiton as this
file), but these source directories can be located anywhere on your system as long as they are in the same directory. We will mount this directory over the top of /opt/hpc/build
inside the container. The sub-directory names for the git checkouts can be whatever you want - we will just use the defaults for the examples here.
Setup the build directory.
mkdir -p build
cd build
Check out your OpenPMIx development branch (on your local file system, outside the container).
git clone
Check out your PRRTE development branch (on your local file system, outside the container).
git clone
Check out your Open MPI development branch (on your local file system, outside the container). Note: You can skip the Open MPI parts if you do not intend to use it
git clone
This directory will serve as the shared install file system for the builds. We will mount this directory over the top of /opt/hpc/external
inside the container. The container's environment is setup to look for these installs at specific paths so though you can build with whatever options your want, the --prefix
shouldn't be changed:
- OpenPMIx:
--prefix /opt/hpc/external/pmix
--prefix /opt/hpc/external/prrte
- Open MPI:
--prefix /opt/hpc/external/ompi
mkdir -p install
For now it will be empty. We will fill it in with the build once we have the cluster started.
This script will:
- Create a private overlay network between the pods (
docker network create --driver overlay --attachable
) - Start N containers each named
where XY is the node number startig from01
shell$ ./ --help
Usage: [option]
-p | --prefix PREFIX Prefix string for hostnames (Default: jhursey-)
-n | --num NUM Number of nodes to start on this host (Default: 2)
-i | --image NAME Name of the container image (Required)
--install DIR Full path to the 'install' directory
--build DIR Full path to the 'build' directory
-d | --dryrun Dry run. Do not actually start anything.
-h | --help Print this help message
shell$ ./ -n 5
Establish network: pmix-net
Starting: jhursey-node01
Starting: jhursey-node02
Starting: jhursey-node03
Starting: jhursey-node04
Starting: jhursey-node05
./ --install $PWD/install --build $PWD/build
shell$ ./ -n 5 --install $PWD/install --build $PWD/build
Establish network: pmix-net
Starting: jhursey-node01
Starting: jhursey-node02
Starting: jhursey-node03
Starting: jhursey-node04
Starting: jhursey-node05
I made a little script which is easier than remembering the CLI
If you did not specify --install $PWD/install --build $PWD/build
then you can run with the built in versions.
if you did specify --install $PWD/install --build $PWD/build
then you can verify that the volumes were mounted in as the mpiuser
in /opt/hpc
- Source/Build directory:
- Install directory:
shell$ ./
[mpiuser@jhursey-node01 ~]$ whoami
[mpiuser@jhursey-node01 ~]$ ls -la /opt/hpc/
total 20
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Dec 21 14:54 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Dec 21 14:10 ..
drwxr-xr-x 8 mpiuser mpiuser 256 Dec 21 14:58 build
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4096 Dec 21 14:54 etc
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4096 Dec 21 14:25 examples
drwxr-xr-x 3 mpiuser mpiuser 96 Dec 21 14:59 external
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Dec 21 14:25 local
[mpiuser@jhursey-node01 ~]$ ls -la /opt/hpc/build/
total 16
drwxr-xr-x 8 mpiuser mpiuser 256 Dec 21 14:58 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Dec 21 14:54 ..
drwxr-xr-x 27 mpiuser mpiuser 864 Dec 21 14:34 ompi
drwxr-xr-x 37 mpiuser mpiuser 1184 Dec 21 14:59 openpmix
drwxr-xr-x 22 mpiuser mpiuser 704 Dec 21 14:34 prrte
Edit your code on the host file system as normal. The changes to the files are immediately reflected inside all of the swarm containers.
When you are ready to compile drop into the container, change to the source directory, and build as normal.
Note: I created build scripts for OpenPMIx/PRRTE/Open MPI in $TOPDIR/bin
that you can use. Just copy them into the build
directory so they are visible inside the container.
shell$ cp -R bin build/
shell$ ./
[mpiuser@jhursey-node01 ~]$ whoami
[mpiuser@jhursey-node01 ~]$ cd /opt/hpc/build/openpmix
[mpiuser@jhursey-node01 openpmix]$ ../bin/
[mpiuser@jhursey-node01 openpmix]$ ../bin/
The build and install directories are preserved on the host file system so you do not necessarily need to do a full rebuild everytime - just the first time.
shell$ ./
[mpiuser@jhursey-node01 ~]$ whoami
[mpiuser@jhursey-node01 /]$ env | grep MCA
[mpiuser@jhursey-node01 build]$ mpirun -npernode 2 hostname
[jhursey-node01:94589] FINAL CMD: prte &
The script (above) creates a shutdown file that can be used to cleanup when you are done.