Salesforce Certifications
- Salesforce Certified Application Architect
- Salesforce Certified Data Architect
- Salesforce Certified Sharing and Visibility Architect
- Salesforce Certified Administrator
- Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder
- Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I
- Salesforce Certified JavaScript Developer I
- Salesforce Certified Service Cloud Consultant
- Salesforce Certified CPQ Specialist
- Screenflow Confetti - Allows you to trigger a confetti canon in your screenflows.
Using the Salesforce open source Lightning Web Component off platform
- Movie Database - Building a simple LWC based integration with The Movie Database.
- Reddit Client - Building a simple reddit client using a custom @wire and playing with the UI using SLDS
- MLS Stickers - Learning some of the basics of Svelte and how they compare to Lightning Web Components.
- Pimoroni - Playing with the Pimoroni Unicorn HAT HD
- Magtag - Magtag code to pull JSON data from raspberrypi to display custom messages on my fridge.
- Magtag Server Code - Internal nodejs server running on a raspberrypi feeding JSON data to my magtag.
- Codewars - When I want to code but don't want to work on a project, I like to do some codewars katas.
- My profile