Djangochess is an online chess platform with a custom python chess engine implemented using Django, Channels, Redis and Bootstrap.
It features a lobby system in which anyone with a link can join and choose color of pieces. If any logged in player chooses a side everyone in the lobby will see player's nick appear next to the side name. Only the game owner can start a game. Then everyone is redirected to game's chessboard where players play and others can spectate.
In order to run this project you need to install python dependencies:
- django
- channels
- channels_redis
- django-widget-tweaks
$ python -m pip install <package-name>
Then install docker and run Redis at port 6379:
$ docker run -p 6379:6379 -d redis:5
Note: You need to have Redis launched for the channel layers to work. Otherwise there will be WebSocket errors thrown in the developer console.
Now you can run:
$ python migrate
and then:
$ python runserver