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WP-CLI command that facilitates the extraction of payment data from Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) platform

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Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) Export Tool

A WP-CLI command that facilitates the extraction of payment data from Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) platform. The command provides the capability to export payment data from a specified time frame, enabling users to generate outputs in either CSV or JSON formats. The command can output its data directly to the shell or save it to a specified file location. The tool offers customization options for selecting the data fields to be included in the output, along with various filtering mechanisms based on payment criteria.



  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/edd-export-tool directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress


Use the wp edd-export command to export payment data via the WP-CLI interface.

Available paramaters:

  • --output-format=<format>: Output format (WP CLI table, csv or json).

    • default: table
    • options:
      • table
      • csv
      • json
      • csv-file
      • json-file
  • --per_page=<number>: Number of orders to retrieve per page/query. Defaults to 1000. Use this to control the number of orders retrieved per page/query. This is useful for large number of orders where memory limits are exceeded. If you are running into memory limits, try reducing this number.

  • --max=<number>: Max number of orders to retrieve. Use this to control the total number of orders exported. This has a default value of 100 when using the shell output formats. Otherwise, no default value is applied

  • --destination=<destination>: Path to the destination directory for the resulting CSV or JSON file. Defaults to the wp-uploads/edd-exports folder which will be created if it doesn't exist.

  • --fields=<fields>: Array of fields to include in the export. Defaults to: customer_id, customer_email, payment_id, sequence_id, transaction_id, payment_date, payment_status, payment_amount, payment_gateway. Optional fields that you can include: customer_name, customer_phone, payment_notes, address1, address2, city, region, country, postal_code, phone

  • --days=<days>: Export data for the last X days. Defaults to 30. Superseded by start/end dates.

  • --start=<date>: Export data after specified date/time. Defaults to 30 days ago. Supersedes days argument.

  • --end=<date>: Export data before specified date/time. Defaults to now. Supersedes days argument.

  • --status=<status>: Filter by payment status

  • --minamount=<amount>: Filter by minimum purchase amount (total)

  • --maxamount=<amount>: Filter by maximum purchase amount (total)

  • --customer_ids=<customer_ids>: Filter by an array of customer IDs

  • --emails=<emails>: Filter by an array of emails

  • --product_id=<product_id>: Filter by a specific product ID

  • --product_price_id=<product_price_id>: Filter by a specific product price ID


  1. Export default fields to a CLI table:
    $ wp edd-export payments
  2. Customize fields to include in the export and filter by customer IDs
    $ wp edd-export payments '--fields=["customer_id","customer_email","payment_id","customer_name","payment_notes"]' '--customer_ids=[1,2]'
  3. Export specific customer's (by e-mail) orders to CSV in the shell and override number of days to include
    $ wp edd-export payments --output-format=csv --days=45 '--emails=[""]
  4. Export only failed orders between a certain date range to CSV file
    $ wp edd-export payments --output-format=csv-file --start="2023-11-01" --end="2023-11-27 17:00:00" --status=failed
  5. Export specific product sales to JSON file and specify custom destination, and filter orders by min/max total amount ($20 min, $110 max)
    $ wp edd-export payments --output-format=json-file --destination=/path/to/destination --minamount=20 --maxamount=110 --product_id=123

Automatic exporting via wp-cron

To set up the WP-CLI command to run automatically via WP Cron, you can create a custom WordPress cron event and schedule it to execute the WP-CLI command.

  1. Create a Custom WP Cron Event: in a custom plugin file or in your theme's functions.php file, hook into the init action to schedule your custom cron event.

    add_action('init', 'edd_schedule_export_cron');
    function edd_schedule_export_cron() {
    	if (!wp_next_scheduled('edd_export_task')) {
    		wp_schedule_event(time(), 'daily', 'edd_export_task');
  2. Hook the WP cron event to the WP-CLI command: add an action hook to link your custom cron event with the export task.

    add_action('edd_export_task', function(){
    	// run the WP-CLI command, adjust the arguments as needed
    	WP_CLI::runcommand('edd-export payments --output-format=csv-file --destination=/path/to/destination --minamount=20 --maxamount=110 --product_id=123');

This code tells WordPress to execute the WP-CLI command when the edd_export_task schedule is run. You can adjust the frequency of the cron event by changing the second parameter of the wp_schedule_event function. For example, to run the command every 6 hours, you would change the second parameter to 6_hours. For more information on the wp_schedule_event function, see the WordPress Codex.


WP-CLI command that facilitates the extraction of payment data from Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) platform






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