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mvn package
java -jar ./target/VariantGraph-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -h
Interactive run:
java -jar ./target/VariantGraph-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -i
Usage information:
usage: java -jar VGTool.jar
-c,--chr <I> Consider only chromosome <I>
-cs,--context-size <Integer> Minimum context size (default=5)
-ct,--compress-trees Compress probability trees (reduced
memory consumption)
-f,--vcf <file> vcf file with samples to load
-g,--graph <file> Load graph from graph RDF format
-h,--help print this message
-i,--interactive Run program in interactive mode
-or,--output-rdf <file> Write graph in RDF format to <file>
-ov,--output-vcf <file> Write sampled individuals in VCF
format to <file>
-p,--probabilities Add probabilities to graph (implied
by -s option)
-qp,--queue-probability <Integer> Probability of selecting using
largest available context when
sampling (defines genometric sampling
distribution) (default=0.9)
-qs,--queue-size <Integer> Sampling queue size (default=2)
-s,--sample <N> sample <N> individuals
-t,--threads <Integer> Maximal number of concurrent threads
used by program (default is number of
available processors=12)
-v,--version print the version information