I'm a web developer who is passionate about creating technology to elevate people, learning new tips every day and building community. Some technologies I enjoy working with include PHP, Spring Boot, Python and Angular. I work at myCloudDoor as a Full Stack Developer. What's more, I have a large work experience as a salesman. For this reason, I know how shop works. I am able to create awesome shopping web pages.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any futher information at the following links:
-Latest articles:
- Extract IP Address From a String in Java
- ¿Es Hora de Adoptar el Headless WordPress? Ventajas, Desventajas y Casos de Uso
- Montando un servidor web con WordPress en una Raspberry Pi
- ¿Cómo puedo implementar un sistema de encuestas remuneradas en mi sitio WordPress sin conocimientos técnicos?
- Intellij Idea – How to Build Project Automatically