Example of fault detection by t-test and F-test on injected faults of type variance, drift and pulse.
This project is a preliminary study of Fault Detection, in continuous processes, through statistical methods of t-test and F-test to detect changes in mean and variance as well as through the kNN algorithm of Machine Learning, applied to faulty datasets of the Tennessee Eastman (TEP) plant, as a first step for the future development of a more complex solution for predictive maintenance.
In the study, the algorithms are validated in a simple model of easy compression, formed by a tank open to the atmosphere, and then the TEP data are analyzed.
The project was carried out in Python 3.
This module includes two classes:
- fault_detector: to detect faults with conventional statistical methods of t-test and F-test.
- fault_generator: to inject drift, pulse and variance type faults according to the specified parameters
class fault_detector(object):
def __init__(self, vector_faulty):
self.Vector_faulty = vector_faulty
def t_test(self, non_faulty_data, stand_dev, conf_lev, delta_mean, N ='auto'):
from math import ceil
import scipy.stats
import scipy as sp
import math
import numpy as np
vector_to_analyze = np.copy(self.Vector_faulty)
if N == 'auto':
N = ceil((stand_dev*sp.stats.norm.ppf((1-conf_lev)/2)/delta_mean)**2)
falla_bool = np.zeros(len(vector_to_analyze))
if N <= len(vector_to_analyze):
cont = 0
while N*cont < len(vector_to_analyze):
ttest_issermann = (non_faulty_data.mean() - vector_to_analyze[cont*N:(cont+1)*N].mean()) * \
math.sqrt(len(non_faulty_data) * N * (len(non_faulty_data) + N - 2) /
(len(non_faulty_data) + N)) / \
math.sqrt((len(non_faulty_data) - 1) * np.std(non_faulty_data) ** 2 + (N - 1) *
stand_dev ** 2)
if abs(ttest_issermann) > sp.stats.t.ppf(conf_lev, len(non_faulty_data)+N-2):
falla_bool[cont*N:N*(1+cont)] = np.ones(len(falla_bool[cont*N:N*(1+cont)]))
cont += 1
print('N debe ser menor a la longitud del vector lista')
number_of_faults_detected = len(falla_bool[falla_bool == 1])
vector_detected = vector_to_analyze[falla_bool == 1]
return vector_detected, falla_bool, number_of_faults_detected, N
def f_test(self, non_faulty_data, std, delta_var, conf_lev, N ='auto'):
import scipy.stats
import scipy as sp
import numpy as np
vector_to_analyze = np.copy(self.Vector_faulty)
falla_bool = np.zeros(len(vector_to_analyze))
if np.std(vector_to_analyze) > 0.0001:
if N == 'auto':
N = 2
X_2_table = sp.stats.chi2.ppf(q=conf_lev, df=N-1)
X_2 = ((std+np.sqrt(delta_var))/std)**2
while X_2 < X_2_table:
N += 1
X_2_table = sp.stats.chi2.ppf(q=conf_lev, df=N-1)
X_2 = (N - 1)*(((std+np.sqrt(delta_var))/std)**2)
if N > len(vector_to_analyze):
print('No se cuenta con suficientes valores para detectar un '
'cambio en la varianza de {}, pruebe indicando el valor de N'.format(delta_var))
cont = 0
while N*cont < len(vector_to_analyze):
dfn = len(non_faulty_data)
if np.std(vector_to_analyze[cont*N:N*(1+cont)]) > 0.0001:
F_N1_N2 = (np.std(vector_to_analyze[N*cont:N*(1+cont)])/np.std(non_faulty_data))**2
#F_N1_N2 = (max(F)/min(F))**2
F_table = sp.stats.f.ppf(q=conf_lev, dfn=dfn - 1, dfd=N - 1)
if F_N1_N2 > F_table:
falla_bool[N*cont:N*(1+cont)] = np.ones(len(falla_bool[cont*N:N*(1+cont)]))
cont += 1
fault_counter = len(falla_bool[falla_bool == 1])
vector_detected = vector_to_analyze[falla_bool == 1]
return vector_detected, falla_bool, fault_counter, N
class fault_generator(object):
def __init__(self, vector_non_faulty):
self.Vector_non_faulty = vector_non_faulty
def drift(self, start, stop, step, change):
import numpy as np
step = int(1/step)
vector_faulty = np.copy(self.Vector_non_faulty)
vector_faulty[np.round(start*step):np.round(stop*step)] += np.linspace(0, change, np.round((stop-start)*step))
vector_faulty[np.ceil(stop*step):] += change
slope = change/(stop-start)
drifted_positions_bool = vector_faulty - self.Vector_non_faulty
drifted_positions_bool = drifted_positions_bool != 0
return vector_faulty, slope, drifted_positions_bool
def variance(self, start, stop, step, stand_dev, random_seed=0):
import numpy as np
step = int(1/step)
print(start*step, stop*step, len(np.random.normal(0, stand_dev, (stop-start)*step)))
vector_faulty = np.copy(self.Vector_non_faulty)
vector_faulty[np.round(start*step):np.round(stop*step)] += np.random.normal(0, stand_dev, len(vector_faulty[np.round(start*step):np.round(stop*step)]))
faulty_fraction = (stop-start)/(step*len(vector_faulty))
varianced_positions_bool = vector_faulty - self.Vector_non_faulty
varianced_positions_bool = varianced_positions_bool != 0
return vector_faulty, faulty_fraction, varianced_positions_bool
def random_pulse(self, start, stop, step, N, amplitude, random_seed=0, mode='random'):
import numpy as np
import random
step = int(1/step)
vector_faulty = np.copy(self.Vector_non_faulty)
after_fault = vector_faulty[int(start*step):int(stop*step)]
position_after_fault = np.asarray(list(enumerate(after_fault,start=int(start*step))))
rand_sample_after_fault = position_after_fault[random.sample(range(0, len(position_after_fault)), N), :]
if mode == 'random':
pulsed_values = [[i[0], i[1] + abs(np.random.normal(0, amplitude))] for i in rand_sample_after_fault]
for j in pulsed_values:
vector_faulty[j[0]] = j[1]
elif mode == 'fixed':
pulsed_values = [[i[0], i[1] + amplitude] for i in rand_sample_after_fault]
for j in pulsed_values:
vector_faulty[j[0]] = j[1]
faulty_fraction = N/len(vector_faulty)
pulsed_positions_bool = vector_faulty - self.Vector_non_faulty
pulsed_positions_bool = pulsed_positions_bool != 0
return vector_faulty, faulty_fraction, pulsed_positions_bool