Make sure you read all of this document carefully, and follow the guidelines in it.
We have multiple tests in this repo. Please read the one you received, and don't confuse with the others.
Feel free to use any libraries you would use if this were a real production App, but remember we're interested in your code & the way you solve the problem, not how well you can use a particular library.
We're interested in your method and how you approach the problem just as much as we're interested in the end result.
Here's what you should aim for:
- Good use of current structure, security & performance best practices.
- Solid testing approach.
- Extensible code.
Where should I send back the result when I'm done?
Fork this repo and send us a pull request when you think you are done. We don't have a deadline for the task.
What if I have a question?
Create a new issue in the repo and we will get back to you very quickly.