A Serverless Framework boilerplate for NodeJS using JavaScript that includes webpack support, unit testing using mocha, linting using eslint, and task automation using gulp.
Supported Versions
NodeJS: 10.x, 12.x, 14.x
Serverless: 2.x
Basic configurations to get started with AWS using Serverless Framework.
AWS IAM-based security control to create, manage and remove services and infrastructure components.
Separate CloudFormation stack to prepare for Serverless Framework deployment by creating the necessary IAM User and basic CloudFormation Role that the primary CloudFormation stack will utilize; all with the least privilege.
Optimized bundles using serverless-webpack which can be further extended to support babel and typescript.
Local development using serverless-offline to simulate AWS Lambda and AWS API Gateway behavior.
Pre-configured with unit tests using mocha, chai and sinon, code coverage in cobertura format using nyc, and reporting in junit format.
Pre-configured with code quality rules (i.e., linting) using eslint.