This action uploads an application file to DeployGate. (Not official action of DeployGate.)
NOTE: v0.2
does not have a backward compatibility with v0.1
See Releases page.
See action.yml of your version.
Please make sure your workflow will run when a branch is pushed.
push or pull_request
Add this action to steps.
uses: jmatsu/dg-upload-app-action@<version>
app_owner_name: <your DeployGate account/organization name>
api_token: ${{ secrets.DEPLOYGATE_API_TOKEN }} # for example
app_file_path: /path/to/app_file
NOTE: versioning documentation
- actions/typescript-action's LICENSE (GitHub, Inc. and contributors) - this project uses the template from actions/typescript-action
Actions are run from GitHub repos so we will checkin the packed dist folder.
Then run ncc and push the results:
# Edit VERSION to the latest version e.g. v0.2.1
$ git switch [-c] releases/v0.2
$ yarn release
$ git add dist
$ git commit -m "updates the production distribution"
$ git tag <version>
$ git push origin releases/v0.2
NOTE: versioning documentation