Check Installation guide
Created using dotly:
- Inspiration & scripts taken from @rgomezcasas dotfiles
- Scripts exposed via dot command
- Symlinks automation
Sane defaults for MacOS:
- Set computer name & local host name to "macbookpro-jmlweb"
- Disable sound effects on boot
- Save to disk instead of iCloud
- Tap to click
- Languages
- …
Node ecosystem:
installed automatically- latest
installed vianvm
Programs, drivers & fonts installed via brew:
- 1password
- arduino
- clipy
- discord
- firefox-developer-edition
- grammarly
- google-chrome
- imageoptim
- iina
- insomnia
- iterm2-nightly
- keka
- macdown
- monolingual
- mounty
- mtmr
- ngrok
- notion
- numi
- rectangle
- slack
- telegram
- the-unarchiver
- toinane-colorpicker
- spotify
- visual-studio-code
- vlc
- zoom
- ...more (check the brew file here)
Custom preset for MTMR: