This repo is the source for the following website:
Here, I try to provide some interactive visualizations to explore some of the really interesting data reported in Stringer & Pachitariu et al. 2019: Spontaneous behaviors drive multidimensional, brainwide activity. Utilizing their open source data, I have replicated their findings that a large fraction of the neural variance in a region of visual cortex represents the mouse's spontaneous and uninstructed behavior.
I highly encourage you to download and explore the data for yourself - there are lots more interesting questions one can ask! You can also take a look at my source code here.
Data retrieved from Stringer & Pachitariu et al. 2018a on Figshare.
Stringer, C., Pachitariu, M., Steinmetz, N., Reddy, C.B., Carandini, M. and Harris, K.D., 2019. Spontaneous behaviors drive multidimensional, brainwide activity. Science, 364(6437), p.eaav7893.
You can reach me (Jason Manley) at jmanley at rockefeller dot edu.