Widget HTML page for geographical maps from RDF data.
The static page source is geo-map.html in docs/ directory .
It is a reusable web page getting its RDF data URL from the query part of the URL, namely an url=
pseudo HTTP parameter .
It is currently able to harvest predicates geo:long, geo:lat, ogc:asWKT ("Well Know Text") and rdfs:label .
NOTE: I call this a pseudo HTTP parameter, because it looks like an HTTP parameter in the URL, but since it's a static page, the parameters are analyzed by a JavaScript function.
For using it in your application, the page geo-map.html is served by github.io at the HTTPS URL:
If you need an HTML URL, use instead the rawgit server (but rawgit will be discontinued soon):
When rawgit will be discontinued, you will have to host yourself the content of docs/ directory.
An example of using the Widget with a static RDF data URL:
An example of using the Widget in semantic_forms :
## Other code base
To be merged somehow: