Get the dominant color of an image using colorscore (updated version by me). This can be used as a background color while an image is loading or search by color.
This is based on carrierwave-color by Sunny Ripert (sunny).
NOTE: The palettes/dominiant_color grabbed from images may differ between imagemagick versions.
Current version of imagemagick the test runs towards: 7.0.8-68
This gem requires imagemagick (convert) and grabs colors via a command line. So mini_magick, etc. isn't required.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem "shrine-color"
And then call:
$ bundle
In your uploader, include the module and call the processor:
class ImageUploader < Shrine
# plugin add_metadata should be loaded automagically.
# otherwise add it here
plugin :color
# dominant color
add_metadata :dominant_color do |io, context|
# palette color with version, color count and own array of colors.
add_metadata :palette_color do |io, context|
if context[:version] == :small
palette_color(io.path, 3, ['ff0000', '00ff00', '0000ff'])
You can now use the code below to get a color:
## Dominant color
# or