This translator is made using Bison/Yacc and Flex/Lex. We designed an ascendent grammar for the syntactic analysis.
- José Joaquín Arias Gómez-Calcerrada @empiremay
- Aarón Arias Pérez @aaronariasperez
- flex
- bison
- g++ (c++11 standard)
Compilation and execution: There is a script to compile the project in Linux. You can also compile it manually:
flex lexico.l
bison -d parser.y
g++ TablaVariables.cpp node.cpp lex.yy.c -std=c++11 -lfl -lm -o main
There are two input examples inside the project (input_example1.c and input_example2.c) so you can try it executing:
./script #to compile (or you can do it manually)
./main < input_example1.c #also try with input_example2.c
Last line will generate a ejer.s assembler code of the selected file.