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This project focuses on job management and reviews, with the goal of exploring key Spring/Java technologies for microservices development

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Job Management


This project focuses on job management and reviews, with the goal of exploring key Spring/Java technologies for microservices development.

The project comprises three simple microservices as outlined below:

We began by implementing an API Gateway, which serves as a single entry point for multiple APIs, simplifying their management, security, and monitoring.

Each microservice has its own database, using MySQL as the relational database. The Flyway library manages the scripts for creating and updating tables.

We utilize the Eureka Server project, which functions as a Service Registry, enabling other applications (services) to register all their instances. This Eureka Server manages all registered instances, including their addresses (host and port), ensuring the instances are always up to date and monitoring their availability.

Internal communication is handled via REST using the OpenFeign library.

To study resilience concepts in practice, we employ patterns such as circuit breaker and fallbacks, implemented through the Resilience4J library.

For testing, in addition to unit tests, we have two other projects:

This project is using Grafana and Prometheus for monitoring microservices and Zipkin for log tracking to ensure comprehensive observability and performance management.

This project utilizes Grafana Loki to efficiently aggregate and manage logs from various sources. By centralizing log data, Loki enables seamless monitoring, troubleshooting, and analysis within a unified platform. It integrates smoothly with Grafana, allowing for easy visualization of log metrics alongside other system metrics, facilitating comprehensive insights into system performance and behavior.


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The databases are associated with the projects listed below:


Service Method EndPoint Description
Company GET /api/v1/companies/{id} Return detail of specified company
Company GET /api/v1/companies Return details of all companies
Company POST /api/v1/companies Create a company
Company PUT /api/v1/books/{id} Update a specific company
Company DELETE /api/v1/books/{id} Delete a specific company
Job GET /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/jobs/{id} Return detail of specified job
Job GET /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/jobs Return details of all jobs by company
Job POST /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/jobs Create a job
Job PUT /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/jobs/{id} Update a specific job
Job DELETE /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/jobs/{id} Delete a specific job
Review GET /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/reviews/{id} Return detail of specified review
Review GET /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/reviews Return details of all reviews by company
Review POST /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/reviews Create a review
Review PUT /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/reviews/{id} Update a specific review
Review DELETE /api/v1/companies/{companyId}/reviews/{id} Delete a specific review

Documentation and examples

Postman collection

ℹ️ Postman collection can be found in the folder postman


API Gateway

Spring API Gateway is a powerful component within the Spring Cloud ecosystem designed to handle all incoming requests to a microservices architecture. Acting as a reverse proxy, it routes requests to the appropriate backend services, providing essential functionalities such as load balancing, routing, rate limiting, and security.

URI for gateway : http://localhost:9094

Eureka Server

Spring Eureka Server is a key component of the Spring Cloud Netflix stack, providing service discovery capabilities for microservices architectures. It acts as a registry where microservices can register themselves and discover other registered services, enabling dynamic scaling and robust failover mechanisms.

URI for gateway : http://localhost:8761

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Zipkin is an open-source distributed tracing system that helps monitor and troubleshoot the latency and performance issues within complex, microservices-based architectures. It tracks the flow of requests through different services by collecting and visualizing trace data, allowing developers to pinpoint bottlenecks, understand service dependencies, and diagnose issues effectively. Run zipkin as a docker container with the command:

docker run -d -p 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin**

You can open Zipkin : http://localhost:9411

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Grafana is a versatile open-source platform used for monitoring and observability, renowned for its powerful data visualization capabilities. It allows users to create and share interactive, real-time dashboards that integrate with a variety of data sources, such as Prometheus, Elasticsearch, and InfluxDB

You can open Grafana : http://localhost:3000/

username/password: admin

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Grafana Loki

Loki is a horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus. It is designed to be very cost effective and easy to operate. It does not index the contents of the logs, but rather a set of labels for each log stream.


Prometheus is an open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit designed for reliability and scalability in cloud-native environments. It specializes in collecting and storing time-series data, enabling detailed and high-resolution monitoring of various metrics from different sources.

You can open Prometheus : http://localhost:9090/

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Unit tests

Execute the unit tests using the command bellow:

mvn test 

Integration tests

Karate tests

Karate is a testing framework designed for API testing, offering a simplified and expressive syntax to create and execute tests for web services. It integrates seamlessly with HTTP, allowing for straightforward validation of RESTful APIs by enabling testers to define requests and assertions in a readable, concise manner.

Execute the karate tests using the command bellow:

mvn test -Dkarate.env=local

Results can be found in the tests/automation-tests/target/karate-reports folder

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Performance tests


Gatling is a powerful open-source load testing tool designed to analyze and measure the performance of web applications. It allows developers and testers to simulate a large number of users interacting with a system, providing detailed reports and metrics on response times, throughput, and error rates.

Execute the performance tests using the command bellow:

mvn clean test -DconcurrentUsers={numberOfConcurrentUsers} -DlengthOfTest={periodInMinutes} -DsimulationClass=com.jmanagement.performance.MeshJobManagementHappyPathFlowSimulation

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Build & Run


In the root folder run the maven command to build all the microservices:

mvn clean package

Build as a container

Access each microservice folder and execute the command to build the docker image:

docker build -f Dockerfile -t [SERVICE_NAME]:1.0.0 .

Run as a container

After the docker image was created, execute the command to run the container:

docker run -d -p [PORT]:[PORT]  --env PROFILE=local -i -t [SERVICE_NAME]:1.0.0

Run using docker compose

There is a project to run all microservices and the third party services using docker compose

First, in the root folder execute the command bellow to build the microservices and generate the jar files

mvn clean install

Build the images and run all the containers

docker-compose up

Stop the containers

docker-compose down --rmi all

Technologies Used

  • Spring Boot 3.3.3
  • Spring API Gateway
  • OpenFeign
  • Eureka Server
  • Resilience4j
  • Java 17
  • MySQL 8
  • Zipkin
  • Prometheus
  • Grafana
  • Loki
  • Karate tests
  • Gatling