Welcome to the Instafood repository!
Here you will be able to find example use cases, code and cookbooks about using Cadence. The main purpose of our cookbooks is to help developers and engineers of all levels understand the different functionality available in Cadence. We use practical, step by step examples that allow you to easily follow along and get up and running quickly.
We have also created a simple base scenario that we will use multiple times to demonstrate different use cases.
Instafood is an online app-based meals delivery service. Customers can place an order for food from their favourite local restaurants via Instafood’s mobile app. Orders can be for pickup or delivery. If delivery is chosen, Instafood will organise to have one of their many delivery drivers pickup the order from the restaurant and deliver it to the customer. Instafood provides each restaurant a kiosk/tablet which is used for communication between Instafood and the restaurant. Instafood notifies the restaurant when an order is placed, and then the restaurant can accept the order, provide an ETA, mark it as ready, etc. For delivery orders, Instafood will coordinate to have a delivery driver pick up based on the ETA.
Cookbook Authors: Adam Zegelin and Ivan Pondal with contributions from John Del Castillo and Paul Brebner
- Please see the Instaclustr support status of this project.