An example discord app using user-installed interactions. Install this app to your account here.
This app is intended to be deployed to Cloudflare workers, and uses D1 for state.
This app uses devbox to manage the developer environment. Install devbox and then run devbox shell
. This will enter the dev environment and install all required dependencies.
$ devbox shell
Ensuring packages are installed.
[1/4] lefthook@latest
[1/4] lefthook@latest: Success
[2/4] cloudflared@latest
[2/4] cloudflared@latest: Success
[3/4] bun@latest
[3/4] bun@latest: Success
[4/4] nodejs@latest
[4/4] nodejs@latest: Success
✓ Computed the Devbox environment.
Starting a devbox shell...
sync hooks: ✔️ (pre-commit)
To get started with this example app, you'll need to first create a Discord application in the developer portal.
You'll then need to copy the example .env file and fill in the environment variables.
-- this contains all environment variables, will contain some duplicates from other files
Note: this will generate the other configs needed for local dev.
To run Turnip locally, first start a tunnel
$ bun scripts tunnel
2024-03-25T12:16:10Z INF +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2024-03-25T12:16:10Z INF | Your quick Tunnel has been created! Visit it at (it may take some time to be reachable): |
2024-03-25T12:16:10Z INF | https://<generated-url> |
2024-03-25T12:16:10Z INF +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
In another terminal, start the app's webserver:
$ bun dev
⛅️ wrangler 3.34.2 (update available 3.37.0)
Using vars defined in .dev.vars
Your worker has access to the following bindings:
- D1 Databases:
- db: turnip (<database-id>)
- Vars:
- DISCORD_PUBLIC_KEY: "(hidden)"
- DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN: "(hidden)"
⎔ Starting local server...
[wrangler:inf] Ready on http://localhost:3000
Update your app with the tunnel url.
$ bun scripts update-application $(bun scripts tunnel-url)
This will update the interaction endpoint url for the app.
When first getting started, you'll need to run migrations to ensure the local database tables exist, by running: bun migrations
$ bun migrations
⛅️ wrangler 3.34.2 (update available 3.37.0)
Now you can install the app and send commands to your local server.
You can deploy the worker to Cloudflare using bun run deploy
$ bun run deploy
⛅️ wrangler 3.34.2 (update available 3.37.0)
Your worker has access to the following bindings:
- D1 Databases:
- db: turnip (<database-id>)
Total Upload: 367.37 KiB / gzip: 62.49 KiB
Uploaded turnip (1.58 sec)
Published turnip (0.27 sec)
Current Deployment ID: <deployment-id>
After your first deploy, make sure you upload your secrets using echo <KEY> | bun wrangler secret put <key>
⛅️ wrangler 3.34.2 (update available 3.52.0)
🌀 Creating the secret for the Worker "turnip"
✨ Success! Uploaded secret DISCORD_APPLICATION_ID
Also make sure to apply migrations to the D1 database bun migrations --remote
$ bun migrations
⛅️ wrangler 3.34.2 (update available 3.37.0)
Lastly, you'll want to update your interactions callback url to the deployed url:
$ bun scripts update-application https://<worker-url>
Now your interactions will route to the cloudflare worker.