A pack of pre-built Netzke components - such as grid, form, tab panel, etc.
- Ruby 1.9.2 (1.8.7 may work, too)
- Rails >= 3.0.0
- Ext JS >= 4.0.0
In your Gemfile:
gem 'netzke-basepack'
For the "edge" stuff, tell bundler to get the gem straight from GitHub:
gem 'netzke-basepack', :git => "git://github.com/skozlov/netzke-basepack.git"
Embed a basepack component into a view as any other Netzke component, e.g.:
<%= netzke :books, :class_name => 'Netzke::Basepack::GridPanel', :model => 'Book' %>
For more examples, see http://demo.netzke.com, and look into test/rails_app.
Netzke Basepack is bundled with Cucumber and RSpec tests. If you would like to contribute to the project, you may want to learn how to run the tests.
Besides, the bundled test application is a convenient playground for those who search to experiment with the framework.
After setting up the test application, you can access the test components (from test/rails_app/app/components) like this:
Netzke Basepack can make use of FamFamFam Silk icon set (http://www.famfamfam.com/archive/silk-icons-thats-your-lot/). To enable this, download the icons and put the "icons" folder into your app's public/images folder. Then restart your application.
Versions 0.6.x are for you if you're using Ext 3 (hardly maintained)
With Rails 2 (and Ext 3 only), use versions 0.5.x (not maintained)
Official project site: http://netzke.org
- latest news about Netzke: http://twitter.com/netzke
- author's rambling about osx, productivity and what not: http://twitter.com/nomadcoder
Many (if a bit outdated) tutorials: http://blog.writelesscode.com
Copyright (c) 2008-2011 NomadCoder, released under the MIT license