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Ansible role for setting up OpenSSH.


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Ansible role for setting up openssh.

Supported Platforms

  • Amazon Linux 2
  • Archlinux
  • Centos 7, 8
  • Debian 9, 10
  • Raspbian 9, 10
  • OpenSuse Leap 15
  • OpenSuse Tumbleweed
  • Oracle Linux 7, 8
  • Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04, 20.04


Ansible 2.7 or higher is required for defaults/main/*.yml to work.

OpenSSH Version 6.3 or above for ssh -Q to work.

Defaults and Variables

The default values for all variables are stored in the following files:

  • defaults/main/main.yml
  • defaults/main/ssh.yml
  • defaults/main/sshd.yml
  • defaults/main/sshd_authentication.yml
  • defaults/main/sshd_directives.yml
  • defaults/main/sshd_gssapi.yml
  • defaults/main/sshd_hostbased.yml
  • defaults/main/sshd_kerberos.yml


The file main.yml contains variables with defaults values that affect both, ssh client and sshd (the server).

variable default value description
ssh_enabled false determine whether role is enabled (true) or not (false)

The set of allowed algorithms is stored in the dict ssh_algorithms and is used to intersect with the detected supported algorithms:

    - aes256-ctr
    - aes192-ctr
    - aes128-ctr
    - curve25519-sha256
    - diffie-hellman-group18-sha512
    - diffie-hellman-group16-sha512
    - diffie-hellman-group14-sha256
    - diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
    - ssh-ed25519
    - rsa-sha2-512
    - rsa-sha2-256
    - hmac-sha2-512
    - hmac-sha2-256


This file is for /etc/ssh/ssh_config default settings.

variable default value description
ssh_enabled True enable configuration of /etc/ssh/ssh_config
ssh_deploy_key '~/.ssh/' local publickey that is added to remote users authorized_keys file, so you do not lock yourself out, because the default configuration of this role is to only allow pubkey authentication.
ssh_conf_backup 'no' create a backup when replacing /etc/ssh/ssh_config
ssh_host_config {} host specific configuration, see example after table.
ssh_port '22' default port ssh tries to connect to
ssh_address_family 'inet' address family type
ssh_challenge_response_authentication 'yes' Enable challenge response (keyboard-interactive) authentication
ssh_enable_ssh_keysign 'no' Enable ssh-keysign, must be enabled on a client, if you want to do hostbased authentication
ssh_gssapi_authentication 'no' Enable GSSAPI authentication
ssh_hostbased_authentication 'no' Enable hostbased authentication
ssh_identity_files [ '~/.ssh/identity', '~/.ssh/id_rsa', '~/.ssh/id_ed25519' ] List of paths where ssh looks for identity files
ssh_password_authentication 'yes' Enable password authentication
ssh_pubkey_authentication 'yes' Enable public key athentication
ssh_rekey_limit_data '512M' Rekey limit (data), this is after 512M of data exchanged
ssh_rekey_limit_time '1800' Rekey limit (time), this is after 1800 seconds
ssh_strict_host_key_checking 'ask' Enable strict host key checking (known_hosts)
ssh_test_create_key False This should be left to False, as it is used for testing only. When True, then an ssh key is generated for the remote user root and added to his authorized_keys file. In the pytest module this is used to perform a login with ssh -q localhost exit to check if pubkey authentication is working.
    X11Forwarding: 'yes'
    GSSAPIAuthentication: 'yes'


This file is for general /etc/ssh/sshd_config default settings.

variable default value description
sshd_enabled true enable configuration of /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sshd_moduli_file '/etc/ssh/moduli' location of DH moduli file
sshd_moduli_minimum 3072 minimum length od DH parameters
sshd_host_key_regenerate false regenerate ssh host keys
sshd_rsa_keylength 4096 length of RSA keys that are created by the role
sshd_port 22 sshd listen port
sshd_address_family 'inet' sshd address family
sshd_listen_addr_v4 [ "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address | default(ansible_all_ipv4_addresses[0]) }}" ] IPv4 interface addresses sshd binds to
sshd_listen_addr_v6 [] IPv6 interface addresses sshd binds to

... and many more tbd.


variable default value description
sshd_login_grace_time '60' time to wait for login in seconds
sshd_permit_root_login 'no'
sshd_max_auth_tries 3
sshd_max_sessions 3
sshd_pubkey_auth 'yes'
sshd_authorized_keys_file '%h/.ssh/authorized_keys'
sshd_password_auth 'no'
sshd_challenge_auth 'no'
sshd_use_pam 'yes' With password and challenge response auth disabled, this runs pam session checks without pam authentication.
sshd_use_dns 'yes' Look up the remote host name and check that the resolved host name or the remote IP address maps back to the very same IP address.


variable default value description
sshd_deny_users [] Deny ssh login for listed users.
sshd_allow_users [] Allow ssh login for listed users only.
sshd_deny_groups [] Deny ssh login for listed groups.
sshd_allow_groups [] Allow ssh login for listed groups only.
sshd_per_group_settings {} Group specific settings defined via Match Group directive.
sshd_per_user_settings {} User specific settings defined via Match User directive.


variable default value description


variable default value description



Scenarios and example playbooks

This role by default configures pubkey authentication only, using reasonably secure settings. If you find a flaw, please feel free to comment.

Running on localhost

Public Key Authentication only for remote host

This one is the easiest, just generate a local ssh key with

ssh-keygen -t ed25519

if you do not have one.

Then you can use a playbook like this to deploy:

# play: test-site
# file: site.yml

- hosts: all
    - role: ansible-role-ssh

If you already have an existing rsa key, change the following variable:

ssh_deploy_key: '~/.ssh/'

You can do this in your inventory (host or group variable) or just from the commandline:

ansible-playbook site.yml --extra-vars '{"ssh_deploy_key": "~/.ssh/"}'

License and Author

Licensed under MIT License; See LICENSE file in repository.
