JSON representation of a 'playlist'
use Audio::Playlist::JSPF;
my $playlist = Audio::Playlist::JSPF.from-json($some-json);
say "Playing from { $playlist.title }";
for $playlist.track -> $track {
if $track.location.elems {
say "Playing track { $track.title } by { $track.creator }";
# TYpically if there is more than one location we might
# choose the most suitable one.
my $track-uri = $track.location.first;
# Do something with the track
This is a JSON representation of XSPF which is a format for sharing media playlists.
Because this does the role LJSON::Class the objects can be created directly from and serialised to JSON via the C and C methods that role provides.
Currently there doesn't seem to be much software using this format for playlists but JSON is convenient for a variety of reasons.
Assuming you have a working Rakudo installation you should be able to install this with zef :
# From the source directory
zef install .
# Remote installation
zef install Audio::Playlist::JSPF
If you have any problems or suggestions with this module please report them at:
And I'll see what I can do.
This is free software.
Please see the LICENCE file in the distribution
© Jonathan Stowe 2016 - 2021