Powershell Module for Zabbix API
- Tested with Zabbix 2.4
- Tested with Powershell 5+
- Zabbix by Benjamin RIOUAL
- ZabbixPosh Api by simsaull
Be careful. Especially with mass delete and mass update. Bugs happen. Use on your own risk.
- download repository zip.
- mkdir $env:userprofile\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\psbbix
- copy all files to $env:userprofile\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\psbbix
- add the following lines to the powershell profile file:
. $env:userprofile\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\psbbix\epoch-time-convert.ps1
import-module $env:userprofile\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\psbbix\psbbix.psm1
- Install-Module psbbix
gcm -module psbbix
help get-zabbixhost -ex
## if you hate a lot of empty lines within powershell examples, you can compress the white space:
help get-zabbixhost -ex | out-string | remove-emptyLines
Use Get-ZabbixHelp (alias gzh) to find examples fast, in high density format. Search pattern will be highlighted by yellow color (Thanks to David Mohundro's Find-String module).
Get-ZabbixHelp help
gzh -list # List module functions
gzh -alias # List module aliases
gzh * # Get all examples
gzh item -pattern "cassandra|entropy"
gzh alert -pattern "example 4"
gzh graph -p path
connect-Zabbix -noSSL
@zabSessionParams should be used with almost every command
Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName hostname
Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName HostName
## all inline parameters are case sensitive! (because of Linux/MySQL)
## two above commands will work for different hosts
Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -hostname Host | Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams -ea silent | select httptestid,name,steps
Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -hostname Host | Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams -ea silent | select -ExpandProperty steps | ft -a
Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "host"
## not case sensitive (powershell way)
Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "" | measure
## count hosts
New-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName NewHost -IP -GroupID 8 -TemplateID "10081","10166"
## create new host
New-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName NewHost -IP -GroupID 8 -TemplateID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "host").parentTemplates.templateid -status 1
## create new host, but disabled (-status 1)
Import-Csv c:\new-servers.csv | %{New-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName $_.Hostname -IP $_.IP -GroupID $_.GroupID -TemplateID $_.TemplateID -status $_.status}
## mass create new hosts
Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match SourceHost | New-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName NewHost -IP
## clone host with single interface
Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match SourceHost | New-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName NewHostName -IP -TemplateID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "SourceHost").parentTemplates.templateid -Interfaces (Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName SourceHost).hostid) -status 1
Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match NewHost | Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams | %{Set-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -IP -InterfaceID $_.interfaceid -Port $_.port -HostID $_.hostid}
## clone host with multiple interfaces, then update interfaces with new IP
Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -eq "hostName" | Set-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -status 1
## disable one host
Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "hostName" | %{Set-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -status 1 -HostID $_.hostid -parentTemplates $_.parenttemplates}
## disable multiple hosts
If host has multiple linked templates and then Set-ZabbixHost will be executed with single new template, ALL templates will be replaced by only ONE new template.
## this will work:
Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName HostName | Set-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -TemplateID ExistingTemplateID,ExistingTemplateID,NewTemplateID
##!! use carefully !!##
Remove-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName ThisHostsRetired).hostid -WhatIf
## remove host(s) (case sensitive) (check only)
Remove-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName ThisHostsRetired).hostid
## remove host(s) (case sensitive)
Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -eq RetiredHost | Remove-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams
## remove single host (case insensitive)
Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "HostName-0[1-8]" | %{Remove-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostID $_.hostid}
## delete multiple hosts
Get-ZabbixTemplate @zabSessionParams | select name,hosts
Get-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams | select maintenanceid,name
(Get-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams -MaintenanceName "Maintenance").timeperiods
Get-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams | select -Property @{n="MaintenanceName";e={$_.name}} -ExpandProperty timeperiods | ft -a
## Get maintenance and timeperiods
Get-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams | select -Property @{n="MaintenanceName";e={$_.name}} -ExpandProperty timeperiods | select MaintenanceName,timeperiodid,timeperiod_type,@{n="start_date(UTC)";e={convertfrom-epoch $_.start_date}},@{n="period(Hours)";e={$_.period/3600}} | ft -a
## Get maintenance and timeperiods (Time in UTC)
Get-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "" | select Name,@{n="TimeperiodStart";e={(convertfrom-epoch $_.timeperiods.start_date).addhours(-5)}},@{n="Duration(hours)";e={$_.timeperiods.period/3600}}
## get all maintenances, display name, timeperiod (according UTC-5) and duration
New-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "hosts").hostid -MaintenanceName "NewMaintenance" -ActiveSince (convertTo-epoch ((get-date).addhours(0)).ToUniversalTime()) -ActiveTill (convertTo-epoch ((get-date).addhours(7)).ToUniversalTime()) -TimeperiodPeriod (4*3600)
-ActiveSince (convertTo-epoch ((get-date).addhours(0)).ToUniversalTime()) == now
-ActiveTill (convertTo-epoch ((get-date).addhours(7)).ToUniversalTime()) == now + 7 hours
-TimeperiodPeriod (5*3600) == 5 hours
## Create new maintenance (time sent UTC, and will appear according Zabbix server)
New-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match otherhost).hostid -MaintenanceName NewMaintenanceName -MaintenanceDescription NewMaintenanceDescription -ActiveSince (convertTo-epoch (get-date -date "05/25/2015 07:05")) -ActiveTill (convertTo-epoch (get-date -date "05/25/2015 17:05")) -TimeperiodPeriod (7*3600) -TimeperiodStartDate (convertTo-epoch (get-date -date "05/25/2015 09:05")
## Create new, future maintenance (case sensitive) (time will be sent in UTC). Will be set on Zabbix server according it's local time.
Remove-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams -MaintenanceID "3","4"
Get-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "Maint" | Remove-ZabbixMaintenance @zabSessionParams -WhatIf
Export-ZabbixConfig @zabSessionParams -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match host).hostid | sc c:\zabbix-hosts-export.xml
Export-ZabbixConfig @zabSessionParams -TemplateID (Get-ZabbixTemplate @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "My template").templateid | sc c:\zabbix-templates-export.xml
Get-ZabbixAlert @zabSessionParams | ? sendto -match Email | select @{n="Time(UTC-5)";e={(convertfrom-epoch $_.clock).addhours(-5)}},alertid,subject
## get alarms from last 3 hours (default params). Time display UTC-5
Get-ZabbixAlert @zabSessionParams -TimeFrom (convertTo-epoch (get-date -date (((get-date).addhours(-5)).ToString())) -UTCOffset +0) -TimeTill (convertTo-epoch (get-date -date (((get-date).addhours(-4)).ToString())) -UTCOffset +0) | ? sendto -match Email | ? subject -match OK | select @{n="Time(UTC)";e={convertfrom-epoch $_.clock}},alertid,sendto,subject
## get alerts with custom timewindow of 1 hour. (-timeFrom, -timeTill)
Get-ZabbixAlert @zabSessionParams -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "Host|Other").hostid | ? sendto -match Email | select @{n="Time(UTC+3)";e={(convertfrom-epoch $_.clock).addhours(-5)}},alertid,subject
## works for multiple hosts. Get alerts for host from last 3 hours (default params). Display time in UTC -5
Get-ZabbixUser @zabSessionParams | select name,alias, attempt_ip, @{n="attempt_clock (UTC-5)"; e={((convertfrom-epoch $_.attempt_clock)).addhours(-5)}},@{n="usrgrps";e={$_.usrgrps.name}}
Get-ZabbixUser @zabSessionParams | ? alias -eq "alias" | Remove-ZabbixUser @zabSessionParams
## delete one user
Remove-ZabbixUser @zabSessionParams -UserID (Get-ZabbixUser @zabSessionParams | ? alias -match "alias").userid
## delete multiple users
Get-ZabbixUser @zabSessionParams | ? alias -match "alias" | Set-ZabbixUser @zabSessionParams -verbose -Name NewName -Surname NewSurname -rows_per_page 100
Get-Zabbixuser @zabSessionParams | ? alias -match "User" | New-ZabbixUser @zabSessionParams -Name NewName -Surname NewSurname -Alias first.last -verbose -passwd "123456"
## clone user
Get-ZabbixUserGroup @zabSessionParams | select usrgrpid,name
(Get-ZabbixUserGroup @zabSessionParams | ? name -match administrators).users | select alias,users_status
Get-ZabbixTrigger @zabSessionParams -TemplateID (Get-ZabbixTemplate @zabSessionParams | ? name -match Template).templateid -ExpandDescription -ExpandExpression | ft -a status,description,expression
## get triggers by template
Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName HostName | Get-ZabbixTrigger @zabSessionParams -ea silent | ? status -match 0 | ft -a status,templateid,description,expression
## get triggers by host (case sensitive)
Get-ZabbixTrigger @zabSessionParams -TemplateID (Get-zabbixTemplate @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "Template JMX JVM Generic").templateid | ? description -match "uses suboptimal JIT compiler" | Set-ZabbixTrigger @zabSessionParams -status 1
## disable trigger
Get-ZabbixAction @zabSessionParams | select name
Get-ZabbixAction @zabSessionParams | ? name -match action | select name,def_longdata,r_longdata
Get-ZabbixAction @zabSessionParams | ? name -match actionName | Set-ZabbixAction @zabSessionParams -status 1
## disable action
Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName ThisHost).hostid
Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName HostName | Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams
Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match host | Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams | %{Set-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -IP -InterfaceID $_.interfaceid -HostID $_.hostid -Port $_.port}
## Modify interface settings for the single host
(1..100) | %{Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "host0$_" | Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams | ? port -match 31721 | Set-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -main 1}
## Make interface default on all hosts
Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match host | New-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -IP -port 31721
## Create new interface for the single host
(1..100) | %{Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "host0$_" | New-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -Port 31771 -type 4 -main 1 -ip (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "host0$_").interfaces.ip[0]}
## Create new JMX connection and set it default
Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "host02" | Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams | ? port -Match 31721 | Remove-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams
## Remove interface on single host
Remove-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams -interfaceid (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams | ? name -match "host02" | Get-ZabbixHostInterface @zabSessionParams).interfaceid
## Remove all interfaces from the host
Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams | ? name -match httpTest | select httptestid,name
Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams | ? name -like "test*Name" | ? {$_.hosts.host -match "Template name"}) | select name,@{e={$_.steps.url}},@{n='host';e={$_.hosts.host}} | sort host
New-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams -HttpTestName NewHttpTest -HttpTestStepURL "http://{HOST.CONN}:30555/health-check/do" -HttpTestStepRequired "version" -HostID (Get-ZabbixHost @zabSessionParams -HostName HostName).hostid
## create new http test
Get-ZabbixTemplate @zabSessionParams | ? name -eq "Template Name" | Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams | ? name -match httpTestSource | New-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams -HttpTestName NewHttpName
## clone http test
Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams -HttpTestName httpTest | Set-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams -status 1
## disable http test
Remove-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams -HttpTestID (Get-ZabbixTemplate @zabSessionParams | ? name -eq "Template Name" | Get-ZabbixHttpTest @zabSessionParams | ? name -match httpTests).httptestid
## delete http tests