This repository is for private usage. 2022 Computer Vision Lab @ Korea University.
Official Implementation for Semantic Segmentation for Art Domain with Semi-Supervised Learning.
This project is done under CVLAB, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering @ Korea University funded under ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institution).
Upon branch is for supervised learning where the gt label exists corresponding to labeled-art-images or labeled-real-image.
Two branch for unsupervised learning the weak branch and the strong branch which are for generating pseudo label and perturbated image prediction respectively, leverages performance for semantic segmentation.
├── backbone: DPT-Hybrid Configuration customized for ETRI data.
│ └── dpt:: dpt backbone scripts
├── datasets:: DRAM / ETRI datasets configurations
│ └── dram
├── dataset:: The path of datasets: DRAM / ETRI
│ └── etri
│ └── DRAM_preprocessed
├── perturbations:: photometric / geometric augmentations for consistency learning
├── style_transfer:: style transfer network
├── utils:: label mapper, evaluator, ema model, pallete, arguments parsers, tensorboard logger etc.
├── Semi Supervised Consistency Learning
├── ./ : weight of pre-trained DPT on ADE20k.
First make directories to save checkpoints and datasets
mkdir ./checkpoints
mkdir ./dataset
You can download DRAM dataset from this link: DRAM download
You can daonload the DPT checkpoint and final checkpoint to test our framework from this link: Checkpoint download
Please put the ETRI/DRAM dataset and checkpoints to the following "0. Project Configuration."
All instructions are instructed at the root directory of the project.
conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate segmento
We found that some class labelings are ambiguous and then, it made worse to check the performance of our framework. So. We chose some classes to train/infer and merged ambiguous classes as below:
- Person
- Sky+Cloud
- Grass + Ground-others
- Wall-others
- Tree
- Water-others
- background
We got the performance as below:
Mean Intersection over Union: 0.694312
CLASSES MIOU EVAL: [0.831 0.848 0.714 0.724 0.568 0.482 0.625]
- Changing Configurations at the
--target_dataset 'DRAM' \
--lam_style 1.0 \
--pseudolabel_threshold 0.8 \
--lam_randaug 0.8 \
--lam_styleaug 0.8 \
or you can just
- Execute bash file with configurations
E.g) if you want to execute with the pseudolabel-threshold of 0.8,
bash --pseudolabel_threshold 0.8
3-1. Datasets To set the root directory of the ETRI datasets,
- Change the bash file with configurations
--source_root './dataset/etri' \
--target_root './dataset/DRAM_processed' \
or you can just
- Execute bash file with configuration
bash --source_root './dataset/etri'
3-2. Pretrained Weights
To start from the ade20k pretrained weights of DPT-Hybrid, you should set the directory of the weights.
- Change the bash file with configurations
--pretrained "./" \
Set args.save_path at the
--save_path "./checkpoints"\
Best model will be saved as
├── experiment_name
│ └── source
│ └── top_K
│ └── epoch::{EPOCH}::iter::{ITERS}::model::dpt_hybrid::miou::{MIOU}.pth
Tensorboard logs are saved at
To execute the tensorboard, write the command at the terminal as following.
tensorboard dev upload --logdir {TENSORBOARD LOG DIR} --name {ANY NAME}