Jordan Zhao, Sophia Kim, Daniel Kim, Johnathan Tam
hearo is an app designed to solve the problems that arise from hearing aid failures. This tool provides accessibilty and functinality in the day to day and promotes independent living in individuals with hearing impairments.
In the case that an individuals hearing aid fails, this would cause auditory failure seen in communication with others. The app solves this problem by allowing the individual to quickly resolve hearing failures through means of a visual speech to text stream. It lets the user rely on their other senses to make communication still possible.
With a click of a button, the hearo app initilizes a speech to text stream that picks up the communication heard and produces streamed text such that the individual can read it.
npm start
ngrok http 8080
twilio login
- enter Account SID
- enter Auth Token twilio phone-numbers:update (My Twilio phone number) --voice-url $NGROK_HTTP_URL (https forwarding address)
- example: twilio phone-numbers:update--voice-url $NGROK_HTTP_URL export APIKEY npm install express ws wavefile re-direct to project folder node transcribe.js
Tap to Start Text Streams Speech to Text End Stream