Very simple http server to that uses chunked transfer for growing files.
The system responsible for creating the growing files needs to create a "ghost" file (flag) just before creating the growing file, that ghost file is a simple empty file in the same directory with the name of the real growing file prefixed by some known string (See GHOST_PREFIX
in the code`).
This webserver detects that ghost file and starts a chunked transfer for those files keeping the connection open and transfering the file data as soon as it is added to the file, until that ghost file is removed. So when that file is completed then the system that created it should remove that "ghost" file.
Using this technique we can transfer any big file (video file for instance) without waiting to have all the file data. Doing that we can reduce dramatically the latency between the system that creates to file and the receiver. Ideally to almost zero.
Other advantages of this approach is that since it is based on HTTP1.1+ (chunked transfer) we can rely on CDNs for caching the content and we can also take advantage of all HTTP features.
1- Install dependencies npm install
2- Use ./index.js -h
Usage: index [options]
Webserver that forces chunked transfer for growing files
-V, --version output the version number
-d, --directory [value]> Base directory of your site [.]
-p, --port [n] Listen port [8080]
-a, --address [value] Bind address []
-H, --headers [value] Headers definition json file [./config/headers.json]
-c, --cors [value] CORS definition file [./config/cors.json]
-f, --fallback [value] Fallback directory [./config/public]
-h, --help output usage information
All params are optional