Releases: jorgensd/dolfinx-tutorial
Releases · jorgensd/dolfinx-tutorial
What's Changed
- v0.8.0 by @jorgensd in #166
- Ubuntu 24.04 CI updates by @jorgensd in #192
- Update text to resolve #194 by @jorgensd in #195
- Add connectivity computation by @jorgensd in #197
- Dokken/update nonlin options by @jorgensd in #203
- Update by @rossbm1 in #199
- Pressure correction equation fix by @jorgensd in #196
- Update config ptr by @jorgensd in #207
- Change from vector to petsc_vec by @jorgensd in #206
- Update set_bc API by @jorgensd in #209
- small typo in membrane_code.ipynb by @MPenaR in #212
- dolfinx.fem.Form changed to dolfinx.fem.form by @MPenaR in #213
- Update for release by @jorgensd in #216
- Fix expr wrapping of interpolation points by @jorgensd in #215
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.8.0...V0.9.0
Compatible with DOLFINx v0.8.0
What's Changed
- Improve workflow handling by @jorgensd in #118
- Dokken/update fspace and wmtgs by @jorgensd in #127
- Fix bounding boxes and more by @jorgensd in #135
- PETSc python API update by @jorgensd in #137
- Api changes related to: FEniCS/dolfinx#2763 by @jorgensd in #142
- Bump version numbers by @jorgensd in #149
- Prepare v0.7.1 by @jorgensd in #154
- Update petsc solver and pc links. Resolves #143 by @jorgensd in #160
- Fix typo; Issue on page /fem.html #122 by @jorgensd in #161
- Fix broken link (#140) + http:// to https:// by @jorgensd in #162
- Remove pyvista pin and add lower bound instead by @jorgensd in #163
- Updates compatible with nightly branch of DOLFINx by @jorgensd in #156
- Update to fix two typos by @simo-11 in #146
- Fix some typeos in index. by @jorgensd in #165
- Update by @mmoelter in #168
- Update of by @mmoelter in #169
- CI quality of life by @jorgensd in #176
- Change dx to du in chapter4/newton-solver by @ampdes in #177
- Resolve #178 by @jorgensd in #179
- Typos by @jorgensd in #186
- Fix typo in linearelasticity by @IshaanDesai in #184
- Typo fix by Remi by @jorgensd in #187
- Typo fixes by @navlalli by @jorgensd in #188
- Merge main into release by @jorgensd in #189
- add missing checkout by @jorgensd in #191
New Contributors
- @simo-11 made their first contribution in #146
- @mmoelter made their first contribution in #168
- @ampdes made their first contribution in #177
- @IshaanDesai made their first contribution in #184
Full Changelog: v0.7.2...v0.8.0
Use html backend for trame as it works nicely for jupyter-book and interactive plots (bump pyvista to main branch).
Bump DOLFINx to 0.7.2
Use pyproject.toml
for project description.
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.7.1...v0.7.2
What's Changed
- Hack to launch jupyter-server by @minrk in #113
- Add binderhub ref in launch button by @jorgensd in #114
- Update in #115
- Improve workflow handling (#118) by @jorgensd in #120
- Minor improvements in by @juliusgh in #124
- Bump actions/checkout to v4 by @jorgensd in #141
- V0.7.0 by @jorgensd in #150
- Pin docutils for jupyterbook by @jorgensd in #151
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.6.0...v0.7.0
What's Changed
- Bump to dolfinx 0.5.1 by @jorgensd in #98
- Improvements to Navier-Stokes demo by @jorgensd in #99
- Rewrite actions by @jorgensd in #101
- Corrections on the N-S code by @QLRO in #97
- Fix typos and improve text in membrane_code.ipynb by @juliusgh in #110
- Remove pin nbconvert by @jorgensd in #96
- v0.6.0 by @jorgensd in #95
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.6.0
What's Changed
- Bump version to 0.4.1 by @jorgensd in #77
- Jupytext updates by @jorgensd in #80
- Bump to main version at 16.06.2022. by @jorgensd in #81
- Add complex example by @jorgensd in #82
- Add custom Newton's method example by @jorgensd in #85
- Various updates to cope with changes in interpolation points behavior by @jorgensd in #89
- Release version compatible with 0.5.0 by @jorgensd in #92
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.5.0
Release compatible with:
What's Changed
- Fix #42 by @jorgensd in #45
- Revision all imports after change in main by @jorgensd in #53
- Update mesh interface by @jorgensd in #55
- Constant boundary conditions and ufl.Expression interpolation by @jorgensd in #56
- Update all tutorials with new API and new plotting by @jorgensd in #57
- Use new plotting API by @jorgensd in #58
- Typo fixing in fundamentals by @RemDelaporteMathurin in #59
- Revise scatter forwards by @jorgensd in #61
- Use requirements.txt to clean up installation mess. by @jorgensd in #62
- Fix #64 by @jorgensd in #65
- Update import-scheme in all demos. by @jorgensd in #67
- Update meshtags API by @jorgensd in #69
- Update version to 0.4.0 by @jorgensd in #75
New Contributors
- @RemDelaporteMathurin made their first contribution in #59
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.4.0