We’d like to you to write simple Android application for managing users.
When we have reviewed your test, and any accompanying documents you feel necessary, if we like what we see, we’ll invite you to join us for a video conversation during which we’ll ask you to go through your test, explaining any decisions that you made.
For implementation we use https://gorest.co.in/ public API
Feel free to use whatever flare you can to show off your skills.
Don't spend more than 3 hours working on this. Don't worry if you don't get the task finished as we'd like to hear how you prioritised your time.
- After app is open list of users is displayed (only users from last page of the endpoint)
- Each entry contains name, email address and creation time (relative to now)
- Loading and error state are welcome
- After + button is clicked pop up dialog is displayed with name and email entries
- After confirmation and successful user creation item is added to the list
- After item long press pop up dialog is displayed with question “Are you sure you want to remove this user?“
- After OK is clicked and user is removed (204 response code) item is deleted from the list
- Application must be developed in Kotlin with minimum Android SDK version of 21
- You are free to use whatever frameworks or tools you see fit
- Application needs to support device rotation
- Design should follow Material design guidelines
- RxJava
- Architecture one of MVP/MVVM/MVI
- Unit tests
- You create testable code
- You pay attention to detail
- Code should be production ready
- The forked version of this repo