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TypeScript - Easy Beginning Tutorial

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This is a small project aimed at demonstrating how to start coding with TypeScript without worrying about compiling it each time you need to run your code. TypeScript is awesome, but the fact that we need to compile it to JavaScript can be annoying, especially for beginners. So, here are a few tips to help you start coding!

Table of Contents

  1. Required
  2. VS Code and Extensions
  3. Prepare Your Local Repo
  4. Install TypeScript on Your Repo
  5. Update tsconfig.json File
  6. NPM Configuration
  7. Create Your First TypeScript Code
  8. Configure Auto Compile and Run Current File Code
  9. Run Your Code
  10. Update Your Code and Run It Again
  11. Optionals


VS Code and extensions

VS Code is mandatory but extensions are optional but highly recommended

Prepare Your Local Repo

  • Create a new folder
  • Open New Terminal on VS Code
  • Command: git init
  • Create .gitignore file
  • Create file
  • Open Source Control on VS Code and commit your changes
  • Publish your branch
  • Create a branch from master (Optional)

Install TypeScript on Your Repo

  • Command 1: npm install -g typescript
  • Command 2: tsc --init (tsconfig.json will be added automatically to your project folder, no need to modify for now)

Update tsconfig.json File

  • Change line to "outDir": "./output",
  • Uncomment sourceMap line

NPM Configuration

  • Command: npm init
  • Open package.json file that was created on the step before and add the following line inside "scripts": "build": "tsc"

Create Your First TypeScript Code

  • Add a src folder
  • Add an output folder
  • Add <nameYouWant>.ts file into src folder
  • Add the following code to it:
    class MyFirstCode {
        name: string;
        age: number;
        constructor(name: string, age: number) {
   = name;
            this.age = age;
    class Greetings extends MyFirstCode {
        greet() {
            console.log(`Hello ${}! Congrats! Your age is ${this.age}!`);
    const person = new Greetings("John", 25);

Configure Auto Compile and Run Current File Code

  • Open RUN AND DEBUG menu on VS Code
  • Select create a launch.json file
  • Select Node.js option
  • Add the following lines inside configurations:
    "preLaunchTask": "npm: build",
    "console": "integratedTerminal",
  • Modify line to "program": "${file}",

Run Your Code

  • Press F5 and see the magic happens!🧙‍♂️
    • JavaScript files should be created into output folder
    • Terminal should open with compiling status
    • After compiling, TypeScript code should run successfully

Update Your Code and Run It Again

  • It should update and run automatically according to your changes 🤖


  • Add output folder to .gitignore
  • Commit your changes to your repository
  • Check out your GitHub repository
  • Always commit your changes and follow it with GitLens
  • Add ESLint integration to your project (Google it)
  • Add Husky integration and pre-commit configurations (Google it)



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