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General Information:

Getting API Key

You can get your API Key in your profile and then Security Controls -> https://{}/account/security Remember to have administrator permissions to use Admin API!


  • export { default as AnnouncementsService } from './announcements';
  • export { default as ApiKeysService } from './apiKeys';
  • export { default as DatabaseHostsService } from './databaseHosts';
  • export { default as LocationsService } from './locations';
  • export { default as MigratorService } from './migrator';
  • export { default as ModsService } from './mods';
  • export { default as NestsService } from './nests';
  • export { default as EggsService } from './eggs';
  • export { default as EggVariablesService } from './eggVariables';
  • export { default as NodeAllocationsService } from './nodeAllocations';
  • export { default as NodesService } from './nodes';
  • export { default as OverviewService } from './overview';
  • export { default as ServerBackupsService } from './serverBackups';
  • export { default as ServerDatabasesService } from './serverDatabases';
  • export { default as ServersService } from './servers';
  • export { default as ServerStartupService } from './serverStartup';
  • export { default as SettingsService } from './settings';
  • export { default as DomainsService } from './domains';
  • export { default as UsersService } from './users';

AnnouncementsService API Documentation


This documentation covers the AnnouncementsService API endpoints for the admin panel. These endpoints allow administrators to manage announcements within the panel.

API Endpoints

1. Get All Announcements

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/announcements
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve all announcements.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/announcements"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

2. Create an Announcement

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/announcements
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Create a new announcement.
  • Required Parameters:
    • type: Type of the announcement.
    • text: Text content of the announcement.
    • active: Boolean indicating if the announcement is active.
    • displayAtTop: Boolean indicating if the announcement should be displayed at the top.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/announcements"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X POST     -d '{ "type": "info", "text": "Server maintenance scheduled", "active": true, "displayAtTop": false }'

3. Update an Announcement

  • Endpoint: PATCH https://{}/api/admin/announcements/<ID>
  • Method: PATCH
  • Description: Update an existing announcement.
  • Required Parameters:
    • id: Identifier of the announcement.
    • type: Type of the announcement.
    • text: Text content of the announcement.
    • active: Boolean indicating if the announcement is active.
    • displayAtTop: Boolean indicating if the announcement should be displayed at the top.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/announcements/123"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X PATCH     -d '{ "type": "warning", "text": "Maintenance extended", "active": true, "displayAtTop": true, "id": 123 }'

4. Resend an Announcement

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/announcements/<ID>/resend
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Resend an existing announcement.
  • Required Parameters:
    • id: Identifier of the announcement to resend.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/announcements/123/resend"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X POST

5. Delete an Announcement

  • Endpoint: DELETE https://{}/api/admin/announcements/<ID>
  • Method: DELETE
  • Description: Delete an existing announcement.
  • Required Parameters:
    • id: Identifier of the announcement to delete.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/announcements/123"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X DELETE

ApiKeysService API Documentation


This documentation details the ApiKeysService API endpoints, which are used for managing API keys in the application.

API Endpoints

1. Get All API Keys

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/application-api
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve all API keys.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/application-api"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

2. Get Specific API Key

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/application-api/:apiKey
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve a specific API key.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/application-api/:apiKey"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

3. Create API Key

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/application-api
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Create a new API key.
  • Required Parameters:
    • [key: ResourceString]: Resource string for the API key.
    • memo: A memo for the API key.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/application-api"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X POST     -d '{ "r_exampleResource": 1, "memo": "My new API key" }'

4. Update API Key

  • Endpoint: PUT https://{}/api/admin/application-api/:apiKey
  • Method: PUT
  • Description: Update an existing API key.
  • Note: Endpoint pending finalization.
  • Example Request: TBD

5. Delete API Key

  • Endpoint: DELETE https://{}/api/admin/application-api/:id
  • Method: DELETE
  • Description: Delete an existing API key.
  • Required Parameters:
    • id: Identifier of the API key to delete.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/application-api/:id"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X DELETE

DatabaseHostsService API Documentation


This documentation describes the DatabaseHostsService API endpoints, used for managing database hosts in the application.

API Endpoints

1. Get All Database Hosts

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/database-hosts
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve all database hosts.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/database-hosts"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

2. Get Specific Database Host

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/database-hosts/:databaseHost
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve a specific database host.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/database-hosts/:databaseHost"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

3. Create Database Host

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/database-hosts
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Create a new database host.
  • Required Parameters:
    • name: Name of the database host.
    • host: Host address.
    • port: Port number.
    • username: Username for the database host.
    • password: Password for the database host.
    • phpmyadmin_url: URL to phpMyAdmin for the host.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/database-hosts"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X POST     -d '{ "name": "MyDBHost", "host": "", "port": 3306, "username": "admin", "password": "password", "phpmyadmin_url": "" }'

4. Update Database Host

  • Endpoint: PUT https://{}/api/admin/database-hosts/:databaseHost
  • Method: PUT
  • Description: Update an existing database host.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/database-hosts/:databaseHost"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X PUT     -d '{ "name": "UpdatedDBHost", "host": "", "port": 3307, "username": "admin_updated", "password": "password_updated", "phpmyadmin_url": "" }'

5. Delete Database Host

  • Endpoint: DELETE https://{}/api/admin/database-hosts/:id
  • Method: DELETE
  • Description: Delete an existing database host.
  • Required Parameters:
    • id: Identifier of the database host to delete.
    • force: Boolean indicating whether to force delete.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/database-hosts/:id"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X DELETE     -d '{ "force": true }'

DomainsService API Documentation


This documentation provides details about the DomainsService API endpoints, which are used for managing domains in the application.

API Endpoints

1. Get All Domains

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/domains
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve all domains.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/domains"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

2. Get Specific Domain

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/domains/:domain
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve a specific domain.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/domains/:domain"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

3. Create Domain

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/domains
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Create a new domain.
  • Required Parameters:
    • name: Name of the domain.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/domains"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X POST     -d '{ "name": "" }'

4. Update Domain

  • Endpoint: PUT https://{}/api/admin/domains/:domain
  • Method: PUT
  • Description: Update an existing domain.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/domains/:domain"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X PUT     -d '{ "name": "" }'

5. Delete Domain

  • Endpoint: DELETE https://{}/api/admin/domains/:id
  • Method: DELETE
  • Description: Delete an existing domain.
  • Required Parameters:
    • id: Identifier of the domain to delete.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/domains/:id"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X DELETE

EggVariablesService API Documentation


This documentation provides details about the EggVariablesService API endpoints, which are used for managing egg variables in the application.

API Endpoints

1. Get All Egg Variables

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/nests/:nest/eggs/:egg/variables
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve all variables for a specific egg.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/nests/:nest/eggs/:egg/variables"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

2. Create Egg Variable

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/nests/:nest/eggs/:egg/variables
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Create a new variable for a specific egg.
  • Required Parameters:
    • name: Name of the variable.
    • description: Description of the variable.
    • env_variable: Environment variable name.
    • default_value: Default value of the variable.
    • user_viewable: Boolean indicating if the variable is viewable by the user.
    • user_editable: Boolean indicating if the variable is editable by the user.
    • tickable: Boolean indicating if the variable is tickable.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/nests/:nest/eggs/:egg/variables"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X POST     -d '{ "name": "var_name", "description": "Variable description", "env_variable": "VAR_NAME", "default_value": "default", "user_viewable": true, "user_editable": true, "tickable": true }'

3. Update Egg Variable

  • Endpoint: PUT https://{}/api/admin/nests/:nest/eggs/:egg/variables/:id
  • Method: PUT
  • Description: Update an existing variable for a specific egg.
  • Required Parameters:
    • All parameters as in CreateVariableRequest.
    • id: Identifier of the variable to update.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/nests/:nest/eggs/:egg/variables/:id"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X PUT     -d '{ "name": "updated_var_name", "description": "Updated description", "env_variable": "UPDATED_VAR", "default_value": "updated_default", "user_viewable": false, "user_editable": false, "tickable": false, "id": 123 }'

4. Delete Egg Variable

  • Endpoint: DELETE https://{}/api/admin/nests/:nest/eggs/:egg/variables/:id
  • Method: DELETE
  • Description: Delete an existing variable for a specific egg.
  • Required Parameters:
    • id: Identifier of the variable to delete.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/nests/:nest/eggs/:egg/variables/:id"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X DELETE

EggsService API Documentation


This documentation details the EggsService API endpoints, which are used for managing eggs in the application.

API Endpoints

1. Get All Eggs

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/nests/:nest/eggs
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve all eggs for a specific nest.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/nests/:nest/eggs"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

2. Get Specific Egg

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/nests/:nest/eggs/:egg
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve a specific egg.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/nests/:nest/eggs/:egg"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

3. Create Egg

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/nests/:nest/eggs
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Create a new egg within a specific nest.
  • Required Parameters:
    • name: Name of the egg.
    • tag: Tag for the egg.
    • description: Description of what the egg is for.
    • docker_image: Docker image to be used for this egg.
    • startup: Startup command for the egg.
    • config_from: The configuration from which this egg is derived.
    • config_logs: Configuration for logs.
    • config_files: Configuration for files.
    • config_startup: Configuration for the startup process.
    • config_stop: Configuration for the stop process.
    • custom_config: Any custom configuration required for the egg.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/nests/:nest/eggs"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X POST     -d '{
            "name": "Minecraft Egg",
            "tag": "minecraft",
            "description": "Egg for running a Minecraft server",
            "docker_image": "minecraft/image:latest",
            "startup": "java -Xms512M -Xmx1024M -jar server.jar",
            "config_from": 1,
            "config_logs": "/var/logs",
            "config_files": "/var/data",
            "config_startup": "/",
            "config_stop": "stop",
            "custom_config": "{"custom": true}"

4. Import Egg

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/nests/:nest_id/eggs/import
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Import an egg from a file.
  • Note: This endpoint requires multipart/form-data content type.
  • Example Request:
    # Use appropriate tool or library to handle multipart/form-data for file upload.

5. Update Egg

  • Endpoint: PUT https://{}/api/admin/nests/:nest/eggs/:egg
  • Method: PUT
  • Description: Update an existing egg.
  • Required Parameters:
    • Same as in CreateEggRequest.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/nests/:nest/eggs/:egg"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X PUT     -d '{ "name": "Updated Egg", "tag": "updatedegg", "description": "Updated description", "docker_image": "updated/image" }'

6. Delete Egg

  • Endpoint: DELETE https://{}/api/admin/nests/:nest/eggs/:egg
  • Method: DELETE
  • Description: Delete an existing egg.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/nests/:nest/eggs/:egg"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X DELETE

LocationsService API Documentation


This documentation covers the LocationsService API endpoints, which are used for managing locations in the application.

API Endpoints

1. Get All Locations

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/locations
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve all locations.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/locations"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

2. Get Specific Location

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/locations/:location
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve a specific location.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/locations/:location"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

3. Create Location

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/locations
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Create a new location.
  • Required Parameters:
    • short: Short code for the location.
    • long: Full name or description of the location.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/locations"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X POST     -d '{ "short": "US-EAST", "long": "East Coast, USA" }'

4. Update Location

  • Endpoint: PUT https://{}/api/admin/locations/:location
  • Method: PUT
  • Description: Update an existing location.
  • Required Parameters:
    • Same as in CreateLocationRequest.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/locations/:location"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X PUT     -d '{ "short": "US-WEST", "long": "West Coast, USA" }'

5. Delete Location

  • Endpoint: DELETE https://{}/api/admin/locations/:id
  • Method: DELETE
  • Description: Delete an existing location.
  • Required Parameters:
    • id: Identifier of the location to delete.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/locations/:id"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X DELETE

MigratorService API Documentation


This documentation provides details about the MigratorService API endpoints, which are used for managing panel migrations in the application.

API Endpoints

1. Get All Panel Migrations

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/migrator
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve all panel migrations.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/migrator"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

2. Trigger Migration

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/migrator
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Trigger a new panel migration.
  • Required Parameters:
    • panel_url: URL of the panel to migrate from.
    • api_key: API key for authentication.
    • Migration options (boolean values): locations_node_and_game_data, nests_and_eggs, users.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/migrator"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X POST     -d '{ "panel_url": "", "api_key": "APIKEY", "locations_node_and_game_data": true, "nests_and_eggs": true, "users": true }'

3. Notify Users About Migration

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/migrator/:id/notify
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Notify users about the migration.
  • Required Parameters:
    • id: Identifier of the migration.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/migrator/:id/notify"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X POST

ModsService API Documentation


This documentation outlines the ModsService API endpoints, which are used for managing mods in the application.

API Endpoints

1. Get All Mods

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/mods
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve all mods.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/mods"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

2. Get Specific Mod

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/mods/:mod
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve a specific mod.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/mods/:mod"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

3. Create Mod

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/mods
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Create a new mod.
  • Required Parameters:
    • name: Name of the mod.
    • description: Description of the mod.
    • version: Version of the mod.
    • category: Category of the mod.
    • scriptInstall: Install script for the mod.
    • scriptUninstall: Uninstall script for the mod.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/mods"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X POST     -d '{ "name": "Mod Name", "description": "Description of mod", "version": "1.0", "category": "Category", "scriptInstall": "", "scriptUninstall": "" }'

4. Update Mod

  • Endpoint: PUT https://{}/api/admin/mods/:mod
  • Method: PUT
  • Description: Update an existing mod.
  • Required Parameters:
    • Same as in CreateModRequest.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/mods/:mod"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X PUT     -d '{ "name": "Updated Mod", "description": "Updated description", "version": "1.1", "category": "Updated Category", "scriptInstall": "", "scriptUninstall": "" }'

5. Delete Mod

  • Endpoint: DELETE https://{}/api/admin/mods/:id
  • Method: DELETE
  • Description: Delete an existing mod.
  • Required Parameters:
    • id: Identifier of the mod to delete.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/mods/:id"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X DELETE

NestsService API Documentation


This documentation outlines the NestsService API endpoints, used for managing nests in the application.

API Endpoints

1. Get All Nests

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/nests
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve all nests.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/nests"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

2. Get Specific Nest

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/nests/:nest
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve a specific nest.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/nests/:nest"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

3. Create Nest

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/nests
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Create a new nest.
  • Required Parameters:
    • name: Name of the nest.
    • identifier: Identifier for the nest.
    • description: Description of the nest.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/nests"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X POST     -d '{ "name": "My Nest", "identifier": "my_nest", "description": "Description of my nest" }'

4. Update Nest

  • Endpoint: PUT https://{}/api/admin/nests/:nest
  • Method: PUT
  • Description: Update an existing nest.
  • Required Parameters:
    • Same as in CreateNestRequest.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/nests/:nest"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X PUT     -d '{ "name": "Updated Nest", "identifier": "updated_nest", "description": "Updated description" }'

5. Delete Nest

  • Endpoint: DELETE https://{}/api/admin/nests/:nest
  • Method: DELETE
  • Description: Delete an existing nest.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/nests/:nest"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X DELETE

NodeAllocationsService API Documentation


This documentation provides details about the NodeAllocationsService API endpoints, used for managing node allocations in the application.

API Endpoints

1. Get All Node Allocations

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/nodes/:node/allocations
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve all allocations for a specific node.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/nodes/:node/allocations"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

2. Get All Allocations for Selector

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/nodes/:node/allocations/selector
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve allocations for a specific node based on certain criteria.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/nodes/:node/allocations/selector?filter[ip_port]=IP_PORT&filter[in_use]=true"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

3. Create Allocation

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/nodes/:node/allocations
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Create new allocations for a node.
  • Required Parameters:
    • ip: Array of IPs.
    • ports: Array of ports.
    • alias: (Optional) Alias for the allocation.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/nodes/:node/allocations"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X POST     -d '{ "ip": [""], "ports": ["25565", "25566"], "alias": "MyServer" }'

4. Update Allocation

  • Endpoint: PUT https://{}/api/admin/nodes/:node/allocations/:id
  • Method: PUT
  • Description: Update an existing allocation.
  • Required Parameters:
    • id: Identifier of the allocation to update.
    • alias: New alias for the allocation.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/nodes/:node/allocations/:id"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X PUT     -d '{ "alias": "UpdatedServer" }'

5. Mass Delete Allocations

  • Endpoint: DELETE https://{}/api/admin/nodes/:node/allocations
  • Method: DELETE
  • Description: Mass delete allocations based on a set of identifiers or IPs.
  • Required Parameters:
    • allocations: Array of allocation identifiers.
    • ips: Array of IP addresses.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/nodes/:node/allocations"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X DELETE     -d '{ "allocations": [123, 124], "ips": [""] }'

6. Delete Allocation

  • Endpoint: DELETE https://{}/api/admin/nodes/:node/allocations/:id
  • Method: DELETE
  • Description: Delete a specific allocation.
  • Required Parameters:
    • id: Identifier of the allocation to delete.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/nodes/:node/allocations/:id"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X DELETE

NodeService API Documentation


This documentation outlines the NodeService API endpoints, used for managing nodes in the application.

API Endpoints

1. Get All Nodes

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/nodes
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve all nodes.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/nodes"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

2. Get Specific Node

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/nodes/:node
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve a specific node.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/nodes/:node"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

3. Update Node

  • Endpoint: PUT https://{}/api/admin/nodes/:node
  • Method: PUT
  • Description: Update an existing node.
  • Required Parameters:
    • name: Name of the node.
    • description: (Optional) Description of the node.
    • public: Boolean indicating if the node is public.
    • display_fqdn: (Optional) Display fully qualified domain name.
    • maintenance_mode: Boolean indicating if the node is in maintenance mode.
    • location_id: Location identifier for the node.
    • cpu: Total CPU resources for the node.
    • cpu_overallocate: (Optional) Overallocation percentage for CPU.
    • memory: Total memory resources for the node.
    • memory_overallocate: (Optional) Overallocation percentage for memory.
    • disk: Total disk space for the node.
    • disk_overallocate: (Optional) Overallocation percentage for disk.
    • upload_size: Maximum upload size allowed.
    • daemonListen: Port number for the daemon to listen on.
    • daemonSFTP: Port number for SFTP.
    • daemonFastdl: Port number for FastDL.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/nodes/:node"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X PUT     -d '{
            "name": "Updated Node",
            "description": "New description",
            "public": true,
            "display_fqdn": "",
            "maintenance_mode": false,
            "location_id": 1,
            "cpu": 100,
            "memory": 1024,
            "disk": 2048,

4. Delete Node

  • Endpoint: DELETE https://{}/api/admin/nodes/:node
  • Method: DELETE
  • Description: Delete an existing node.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/nodes/:node"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X DELETE

5. Get Node Daemon Information

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/nodes/:id/daemon-info
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve daemon information for a specific node.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/nodes/:id/daemon-info"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

6. Get Daemon Information for Multiple Nodes

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/nodes/daemon-info
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve daemon information for multiple nodes.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/nodes/daemon-info"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

OverviewService API Documentation


This documentation outlines the OverviewService API endpoint, which is used for retrieving license information in the application.

API Endpoint

Get License Information

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/license

  • Method: GET

  • Description: Retrieve the license information.

  • Example Request:

    curl "https://{}/api/admin/license"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

    ServerBackupService API Documentation


This documentation outlines the ServerBackupService API endpoints, used for managing server backups in the application.

API Endpoints

1. Get All Server Backups

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server/backups
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve all backups for a specific server.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server/backups"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

2. Toggle Server Backup

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server/backups/:id/toggle
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Toggle the backup state for a specific backup of a server.
  • Required Parameters:
    • id: Identifier of the backup to toggle.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server/backups/:id/toggle"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X POST     -d '{ "id": 123 }'

ServerDatabasesService API Documentation


This documentation outlines the ServerDatabasesService API endpoints, used for managing server databases in the application.

API Endpoints

1. Get All Server Databases

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server/databases
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve all databases for a specific server.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server/databases"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

2. Create Server Database

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server/databases
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Create a new database for a server.
  • Required Parameters:
    • host: Identifier of the database host.
    • name: Name of the database.
    • connections_from: Allowed connections (IP or CIDR).
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server/databases"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X POST     -d '{ "host": 123, "name": "mydatabase", "connections_from": "" }'

3. Rotate Server Database Password

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server/databases/:id/rotate-password
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Rotate the password for a specific server database.
  • Required Parameters:
    • id: Identifier of the database.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server/databases/:id/rotate-password"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X POST

4. Delete Server Database

  • Endpoint: DELETE https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server/databases/:id
  • Method: DELETE
  • Description: Delete a specific database from a server.
  • Required Parameters:
    • id: Identifier of the database to delete.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server/databases/:id"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X DELETE

ServerStartupService API Documentation


This documentation outlines the ServerStartupService API endpoints, used for managing server startup configurations in the application.

API Endpoints

1. Get Server Startup Configuration

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server/startup
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve the startup configuration for a specific server.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server/startup"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

2. Update Server Startup Configuration

  • Endpoint: PUT https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server/startup
  • Method: PUT
  • Description: Update the startup configuration for a specific server.
  • Required Parameters:
    • startup: The startup command.
    • egg_id: Identifier of the egg.
    • docker_image: Docker image to be used.
    • skip_scripts: Boolean to skip execution of scripts.
    • environment: Key-value pairs for environment variables.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server/startup"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X PUT     -d '{ "startup": "java -Xms128M -Xmx1024M -jar server.jar", "egg_id": 1, "docker_image": "example/image:tag", "skip_scripts": false, "environment": { "ENV_VAR": "value" } }'

ServersService API Documentation


This documentation outlines the ServersService API endpoints, used for managing servers in the application.

API Endpoints

1. Get All Servers

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/servers
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve all servers.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/servers"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

2. Get Specific Server

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve a specific server.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

3. Create Server

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/servers
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Create a new server.
  • Required Parameters:
    • name: Name of the server.
    • description: (Optional) Description of the server.
    • owner_id: User ID of the server owner.
    • egg_id: Identifier of the egg.
    • docker_image: (Optional) Docker image to use.
    • startup: (Optional) Startup command.
    • environment: Environment variables.
    • skip_scripts: (Optional) Boolean to skip execution scripts.
    • start_on_completion: (Optional) Boolean to start the server upon creation completion.
    • cpu: CPU limit.
    • memory: Memory limit.
    • swap: Swap limit.
    • disk: Disk space limit.
    • io: IO performance.
    • databases_limit: Limit of databases.
    • allocations_limit: Limit of allocations.
    • backup_megabytes_limit: Backup size limit.
    • primary_allocation_id: Primary allocation ID.
    • secondary_allocation_ids: List of secondary allocation IDs.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/servers"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X POST     -d '{
            "name": "My Server",
            "owner_id": 1,
            "egg_id": 2,
            "environment": { "ENV_VAR": "value" },
            "cpu": 100,
            "memory": 1024,
            "disk": 10240,

4. Delete Server

  • Endpoint: DELETE https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server
  • Method: DELETE
  • Description: Delete a specific server.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X DELETE

5. Update Server Details

  • Endpoint: PUT https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server/details
  • Method: PUT
  • Description: Update the details of a specific server.
  • Required Parameters:
    • name: New name of the server.
    • external_id: (Optional) External identifier for the server.
    • description: Description of the server.
    • owner_id: User ID of the server owner.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server/details"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X PUT     -d '{ "name": "Updated Server Name", "external_id": "ext123", "description": "Updated description", "owner_id": 2 }'

6. Update Server Build Configuration

  • Endpoint: PUT https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server/build
  • Method: PUT
  • Description: Update the build configuration of an existing server.
  • URL Parameters:
    • serverId: The unique identifier of the server whose build configuration is to be updated.
  • Request Body Parameters (UpdateBuildRequest):
    • cpu: New CPU limit.
    • memory: New memory limit.
    • swap: New swap limit.
    • disk: New disk space limit.
    • io: New IO performance.
    • databases_limit: New limit of databases.
    • allocations_limit: New limit of allocations.
    • backup_megabytes_limit: New backup size limit.
    • allocation_id: New primary allocation ID.
    • add_allocation_ids: (Optional) List of additional allocation IDs to add.
    • remove_allocation_ids: (Optional) List of allocation IDs to remove.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/servers/{serverId}/build" \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN" \
         -X PUT \
         -d '{
               "cpu": 200,
               "memory": 2048,
               "swap": 0,
               "disk": 20480,
               "io": 500,
               "databases_limit": 3,
               "allocations_limit": 2,
               "backup_megabytes_limit": 10000,
               "allocation_id": 12345,
               "add_allocation_ids": [23456, 34567],
               "remove_allocation_ids": [45678]

7. Reinstall Server

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server/reinstall
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Reinstall the server.
  • Example Request: TBD

8. Toggle Server Installation Status

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server/toggle-install
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Toggle the installation status of the server.
  • Example Request: TBD

9. Rebuild Server

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server/rebuild
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Rebuild the server.
  • Example Request: TBD

10. Suspend/Unsuspend Server

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server/suspension
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Suspend or unsuspend the server.
  • Example Request: TBD

11. Move Server

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server/move
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Move the server to a different location or node.
  • Example Request: TBD

12. Toggle Server Move Status

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server/toggle-move
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Toggle the move status of the server.
  • Example Request: TBD

13. Reset Server Mods

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/servers/:server/reset-mods
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Reset the mods of the server.
  • Example Request: TBD

SettingsService API Documentation


This documentation outlines the SettingsService API endpoints, used for managing various settings in the application.

API Endpoints

General Settings Update

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/settings/general
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Update general settings of the application.
  • Required Parameters:
    • Branding name.
    • misc.databases_allow_random: Boolean for database random allowance.
    • misc.required_2fa: Required 2FA level.
    • default_locale: Default locale setting.
  • Example Request: TBD

Embed Settings Update

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/settings/embed
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Update embed settings of the application.
  • Required Parameters:
    • og.site_name: Site name for embedding.
    • og.title: Embed title.
    • og.description: Embed description.
    • og.color: Embed color.
    • og.image: Embed image URL.
  • Example Request: TBD

JS Settings Update

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/settings/js
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Update JavaScript settings.
  • Required Parameters:
    • js: JavaScript content or script.
  • Example Request: TBD

CSS Settings Update

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/settings/css
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Update CSS settings.
  • Required Parameters:
    • css: CSS content.
  • Example Request: TBD

SSO Settings Update

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/settings/sso
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Update Single Sign-On settings.
  • Required Parameters:
    • whmcs.enabled: Boolean indicating whether WHMCS SSO is enabled.
    • whmcs.button_text: Text displayed on the SSO button for WHMCS.
    • whmcs.url: URL of the WHMCS installation.
    • whmcs.client_id: Client ID for WHMCS integration.
    • whmcs.client_secret: Client secret for WHMCS integration.
    • whmcs.api_id: API ID for WHMCS integration.
    • whmcs.api_secret: API secret for WHMCS integration.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/settings/sso"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X POST     -d '{
            "whmcs.enabled": true,
            "whmcs.button_text": "Login with WHMCS",
            "whmcs.url": "",
            "whmcs.client_id": "your_client_id",
            "whmcs.client_secret": "your_client_secret",
            "whmcs.api_id": "your_api_id",
            "whmcs.api_secret": "your_api_secret"

Asset Uploads

  • Endpoints:
    • /settings/branding/login_logo
    • /settings/branding/favicon
    • /settings/branding/logo
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Upload various branding assets like logos and favicon.
  • Required Parameters:
    • asset: File to be uploaded.
  • Example Request: TBD

UsersService API Documentation


This documentation outlines the UsersService API endpoints, used for managing users in the application.

API Endpoints

1. Get All Users

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/users
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve all users.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/users"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

2. Get Specific User

  • Endpoint: GET https://{}/api/admin/users/:user
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieve a specific user.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/users/:user"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X GET

3. Create User

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/users
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Create a new user.
  • Required Parameters:
    • email: Email of the user.
    • name_first: First name of the user.
    • name_last: Last name of the user.
    • external_id: External ID of the user.
    • password: Password for the user.
    • root_admin: Boolean indicating if the user is a root admin.
    • support_op: Boolean indicating if the user is a support operator.
    • support_op_bypass: Bypass option for support operation.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/users"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X POST     -d '{ "email": "", "name_first": "John", "name_last": "Doe", ... }'

4. Update User

  • Endpoint: PUT https://{}/api/admin/users/:user
  • Method: PUT
  • Description: Update an existing user.
  • Example Request: TBD

5. Disable User's 2FA

  • Endpoint: POST https://{}/api/admin/users/:user/disable-2fa
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Disable Two-Factor Authentication for a specific user.
  • Example Request: TBD

6. Delete User

  • Endpoint: DELETE https://{}/api/admin/users/:id
  • Method: DELETE
  • Description: Delete a specific user.
  • Required Parameters:
    • id: Identifier of the user to delete.
  • Example Request:
    curl "https://{}/api/admin/users/:id"     -H "Content-Type: application/json"     -H "Authorization: Bearer ADMINAPITOKEN"     -X DELETE

Additional Notes

  • Replace <> with your actual panel domain.
  • Replace :apiKey and :id with the specific API key's identifier where applicable.
  • Ensure proper authentication by including a valid API token in the Authorization header.
  • The Content-Type header should be set as shown in the examples for proper request handling.


Documentation of Admin API






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