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VBAToolKit feature : Remembering Projects

lucas-v edited this page Nov 19, 2013 · 2 revisions

VBAToolKit keeps a list of the projects it manages.

This list is an XML file :

  • located by default in the same folder than the VBAToolKit add-in
  • called by default VBAToolKitProjects.xml.

VBAToolKit only sees the projects listed in this file.

It can contain from 0 to several project entries. Each project entry has 3 fields :

  • name : the name of the project
  • rootFolder : the absolute path of the base folder of the project
  • xmlRelativePath : the relative path of the XML file that describes the project, relatively to the rootFolder

For now, adding, removing and renaming projects has to be done by hand. The xml file therefore embeds a DTD that allows to check its format before loading it.

Things worth noting

  • The rootFolder and xmlRelativePath of the projects remembered by VBAToolKit can be changed via the "Recreate Configuration" form.

  • New projects created by VBAToolKit are automatically added to the list.

Example xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>

<!DOCTYPE rememberedProjects [
<!ELEMENT rememberedProjects (info,project*)>
<!ELEMENT info (version)>
<!ELEMENT version (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT project (name,rootFolder,xmlRelativePath)>
<!ELEMENT rootFolder (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT xmlRelativePath (#PCDATA)>
		<rootFolder>C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\TestProject1</rootFolder>