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Contribute to VBAToolKit

jpimbert edited this page Sep 20, 2013 · 5 revisions

There are three ways to collaborate to VBAToolKit:

  • Open issues to inform us of a bug, or ask for an enhancement
  • Download the source code, modify it and propose your enhancements (see below)
  • Belong to the team and actively participate to the project and the wiki

Modify VBAToolKit and propose your enhancements

The main steps and indications are:

  1. Install VBAToolKit and other useful tools on your computer, because VBAToolKit is developed with VBAToolKit !
  2. Learn how to use VBAToolKit to manage the VBAToolKit project
  3. Register as a GitHub user and fork the VBAToolKit repository
  4. Clone your own fork of the VBAToolKit repository on your computer
  5. Modify the source code and test it. Follow the rules and see the helps below.
  6. Push your modifications on your fork on GitHub, then send a Pull request to the main VBAToolKit repository

The VBAToolKit Design page may help you to understand How VBAToolKit is working and developed.

Rules and Conventions


