This TYPO3 extension provides a cli command to retrieve every editor which has a page in the backend tree by retrieving users, groups and subgroups with access.
# just run the command "page:showVisibilityFor <pid>", e.g.
/vendor/bin/typo3cms page:showVisibilityFor 4
Showing all pages up to TYPO3 root and all groups and users
which have access on each level (and thus below).
This does not consider page access, but only db mounts.
Page visibility for pid 4:
PID_0 TYPO3 root
GID_0 Admin-flagged users
\UID_1 admin
\UID_2 _cli_
PID_1 1
GID_3 editors of 1
\UID_3 editor1
PID_4 1.2
GID_4 editors of 1.2
\UID_5 editor12
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