Static webpage:
Meethub is a static web application designed to find and meet tech peoples, to drink a beer or maybe more...
Meethub is an application (static) listing techs near from your current position (or a position you have chosen) and matching with your languages preferences.
It uses github api (search/users and users) to match the users, and use both google geoloc api and google places to localize you.
It was realized during the ReactRiot 2017 competition in 48hours by 3 techs (cf authors).
A team composed by 2 old react warriors with a third little young baby comes to make a pretty react application, fast, and easy guys.
Our philosophy is to make our own design (without using bootstrap-style css) and to work in agility style with small releases realized quickly and frequently.
Everyone can run the app on his own system.
First clone the repo: git clone
Install the dependencies: npm i
Launch the application: npm start
or build it: npm build
My thanks to these libraries authors, you make our life easier during the contest:
- create-react-app
- @storybook/react
- isomorphic-fetch
- normalize.css
- pluralize
- polished
- prop-types
- react
- react-dom
- react-redux
- react-router
- react-router-dom
- react-router-redux
- react-select-places
- react-virtualized-select
- redux
- redux-thunk
- styled-components