Every Wordle variation I tried had an easy way to cheat for the answers, but not this one!
Features a Daily Challenge with Global Stats, a Free Play mode with shareable links and an Adversarial mode.
Create a .env.development.local
and follow the variable names based on .env.TEMPLATE
This project utilizes MongoDB as the database, with Mongoose as the ORM.
pointing to your MongoDB instance.
You can use MongoDB Atlas to create a free MongoDB instance.
will randomize the list of answers.
will randomize the codes generated for sharing games.
The seeds can be any random string, so go ahead and change them to something else.
Install the dependencies with yarn
Then start the project with yarn run dev
This project uses Jasmine as the testing framework.
Run the tests with yarn run test
I recommend the following VSCode extensions to tests easily:
Lint the code with yarn run lint
or yarn run lint-fix
Configure the rules by editing .eslintrc
Linting also runs on every pull request with GitHub Actions.
You can deploy easily by using Vercel.
You can get the Swagger UI at the main page, http://localhost:3000/
The Swagger YAML is also available at /public/swagger.yaml or http://localhost:3000/swagger.yaml
Takes a token and returns an ongoing game or a new one if there is none.
You can use the mode parameter to choose the game mode.
This sets your user token in the cookies as well.
Takes a token and a word, and, if there is an ongoing game, adds a guess to the guess list
Takes a token and, if there is an ongoing game, makes a random guess
Takes a token, and if there is an ongoing game, finishes it
Gets a list of statistics about the daily Wordle games, and can take a game number
Takes a token and returns a list of statistics about the player past games