Releases: jrie/flagCookies
Releases · jrie/flagCookies
FlagCookies 1.3
FlagCookies 1.3
Note: This release unfortunately contains a serious bug, cookies which are flagged can only be unflagged, if "auto flagging" is enabled.
Please use newer versions, where this bug is resolved!
- Updated the main browser icon, also with larger sizes
- Added the "auto flag"-feature. It automatically add all cookies, even unknown, to the deletion list. It is still possible to add the cookies to the explicit "flag" cookie state, so if the feature is disabled, the cookies still are kept flagged for deletion.
- Code cleanups and, hopefully, improvements
FlagCookies 1.2
FlagCookies 1.2
- Major style changes - more pleasant - from Cybergreek @
- Renamed "All cookies" to "Domain cookies"
- "Flagged cookies" now have the option to disable them directly from this view, also cookies which are not active
- Search bar for filtering cookies displayed in "Domain cookies" and "Flagged cookies", for easy search
- Updates to "manifest.json"
FlagCookies 1.1b
- Button "all cookies" which display all cookies which can be currently flagged
- Button "flagged cookies" list of flagged cookies for the domain, currently active cookies are shown with value and name, inactive but flagged cookies are shown at the bottom, displaying only there name.
- Minor style changes
FlagCookies 1.1a
This is the signed XPI version, ready to install in Firefox.