Forecaster is command line application that gets forecast via Weather API for list of cities provided by Musement API. Goal of this application is to demonstrate author ability to implement all requirements while writing clean tested and maintainable code.
This project uses set of components to solve the given problem. Goal is to demonstrate clear understanding of underlying components and concepts that are abstracted in typical modern frameworks.
Libraries chosen for this project:
- laminas/laminas-config-aggregator for application config
- laminas/laminas-servicemanager for Dependency Injection container
- guzzlehttp/guzzle for making external api calls
- symfony/console for creating console command
- phpstan/phpstan for static analysis
- phpunit/phpunit for writing application tests
- Each data providers (MusementAPI, WeatherAPI) is abstracted behind interface to make changing providers and testing easier
- Api calls could be cached for a certain amount of time As an example MusementProvider is decorated with CachedCityProvider that stores response in array
- Symfony serializer is used to map api response data to dedicated data transfer classes
- Custom application exceptions are created for easier error debugging and understandable application flow
- All exceptions, invalid api responses and important events in application should be logged in real application but it is skipped here
Get api key from and use it instead of API_KEY in cli command.
docker build -t jseparovic/forecaster .
docker run --rm -it -e WEATHER_API_KEY='API_KEY' jseparovic/forecaster composer cities:forecasts
For development install and add dependencies to host
docker run --rm --interactive --tty --volume $PWD:/app composer install
Use following command to run tests and check static analysis errors.
docker run --rm jseparovic/forecaster composer check
Run test only
docker run --rm jseparovic/forecaster composer test
Run phpstan check only
docker run --rm jseparovic/forecaster composer stan-check
Api design is provided as OpenAPI v3 specification located in docs folder. OpenAPI specification was written using Stoplight Studio.