Georgia Tech Coding Bootcamp
Fullstack Web Development
Project 1
- Dave Perez
- David Toler
- Shazia Jiwani
- Aaron Chapman
Minesweeper 2.0 is minesweeper like you've never played it before. An arsenal of powerups that aid you in flagging mines, and the urgency of being on the clock provide for a fun, fast-paced take on the classic game we all love (or hate)
This project uses the following:
- jQuery & AJAX
- Bootstrap
- Firebase
- The Giphy API
- CSShake
- Flickr API
Dave Perez wrangled:
- Minefield traversal
- Bomb placement & interaction
- Data handling & debugging methods
- The auto-flag powerup
David Toler handled:
- User Authentication
- Database setup & management
- Timer functionality
- Drafting & planning
Shazia Jiwani took care of:
- Bootstrap implementation
- Timer alteration and the add time powerup
- DOM to Firebase communication
- Custom styling
Aaron Chapman did:
- Minefield element & object generation
- The solve row & solve column powerups
- Block clicking/flagging functionality
- Repo management & some CSS