LaborHub is a member management system for local unions. It allows members to check the due date for union dues, see organizational demographics, and contact their union representative. It can also be used by employees who wish to discreetly share and compare salaries and demographics.
This app uses the following technologies:
Node.js and Express.js for creating a RESTful API.
Handlebars.js for keeping the HTML simple and dynamic.
MySQL and Sequelize for interacting with and updating the database.
PayPal npm package for payment processing.
View the repository's wiki page for information on how to navigate the site
Tina Croxton
Database Administrator
GitHub Profile
Victoria McNorrill
Front-End Developer
Github Profile
John Kersey
Github Profile
Nick Johnson
Project Manager / Debug Support
Github Profile
MIT This project is licensed under MIT.
- Click here to view the license documentation or,
- Go to the license file with in this repository.
Click links to read the documentation for each dependency: