This project is developed in the scope of Jorge Torregrosa Master's Thesis.
Design and implementation of an application that helps to understand the functioning of a neural network. For this purpose, the application will allow the graphical display of the network with the different values that the weights acquire during their training.
The system will allow configuring different parameters of the network: inputs, outputs, activation function, minimum error, etc. The objective is that at any moment of the training process, the current values of the network can be paused and displayed.
You should also see graphics at the end that indicate how the error has evolved during the process.
- Allow to enter the training, validation and test sets by uploading files.
- Configure the parameters of the network.
- Show evolution of the training process.
- Save the architecture of a network.
- Load the architecture of a network.
Step 1: clone the project with git
$ git clone
Step 2: go into the ai-playground
folder and run composer
$ cd ai-playground
$ composer install
Step 2.1: if you want to get the last vendor versions, run composer update
$ composer update
Step 3: install node modules with yarn or npm
# with yarn
$ yarn
# with npm
$ npm install
Step 3.1: if you want to upgrade to the last module versions, do it with yarn or npm
# with yarn
$ yarn upgrade
# with npm
$ npm update
Step 4: if you want a fresh start for the project, remove the .git
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